引用本文:多克辛,徐广华,陈 静.河流砷污染事件的应急监测响应与思考[J].环境监控与预警,2009,1(1):14-17
DUO Ke-xin,XU Guang-hua,CHEN Jing.Response and Analysis of Emergency Monitoring of River Arsenic Pollution Case[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2009,1(1):14-17
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多克辛,徐广华,陈 静
河南省环境监测中心站,河南 郑州 450004
关键词:    河流  污染  应急监测  响应
Response and Analysis of Emergency Monitoring of River Arsenic Pollution Case
DUO Ke-xin,XU Guang-hua,CHEN Jing
Henan Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Zhengzhou, Henan 450004, China
Emergency monitoring is the precondition and sticking point to treat the sudden water pollution accidents. The emergency monitoring in the sudden pollution accident of the arsenic polluted wastewater in Dasha River was introduced, and the projects and methods of emergency monitoring was proposed. The scientific layout of objects and scope of emergency response monitoring and timely adjustment of the project played crucial roles in prompt and proper dealing with the sudden pollution accident. Also suggested the emergency monitoring measures include building emergency monitoring network, intensifying the capability building of the monitoring team, strengthening the pollution sources monitoring and so on
Key words:  arsenic  river  pollution  emergency monitoring  response