KONG Jie, YACHEN Ai-shanjiang, ZHANG Xiao-lin, ZHAO Da-yong, WU Bing, ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Xu- xiang, CHEN Shu-pei.SNPs Based Early Warning Technology for Testing Carcinogenesis in Source Drinking Water[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2010,2(1):12-16
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综述了饮用水源污染致癌早期预警的单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNPs)检测技术,内容包括SNPs技术及其应用研究领域,癌症敏感基因与SNPs,饮用水源致癌早期预警SNPs监测技术等。该技术的应用对于早期诊断、预警、预防、控制饮用水源污染致癌,保护人体健康,保障后代生命安全,具有现实意义。
关键词:  饮用水源  污染致癌  敏感基因  SNPs  早期预警
SNPs Based Early Warning Technology for Testing Carcinogenesis in Source Drinking Water
KONG Jie, YACHEN Ai-shanjiang, ZHANG Xiao-lin, ZHAO Da-yong, WU Bing, ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Xu- xiang, CHEN Shu-pei
State Key laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment at Nanjing University, Nanjing University Institute for Environmental Health, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, China
The development of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) technique for early warning of carcinogenesis in source drinking water was examined, including ( 1 ) SNPs technique and its application, (2) sensitive cancer genes and measurement of SNPs ; ( 3 ) early warning of carcinogenesis in source drinking water with SNPs technique. The technique proved to be effective for early diagnosis and warning, prevention and control of cancers induced by the pollutants from source drinking water. It is of great signifieanee to protection of human health and life safety for the future generations.
Key words:  source drinking water  carcinogenesis  sensitive cancer genes  SNPs  early warning