CHEN Ming,LU Wei-xian,LI Gang,ZHANG Xiao-xue.Advanced Warning of the River Water Quality Based on MDSF[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2010,2(5):5-8
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1.南京水利科学研究院,江苏 南京 210029;2.水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210029;3. 江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210029
介绍了流域水资源模拟与决策支持框架(MDSF)的框架结构、InfoWorks RS水质模拟方法及水质模型。利用MDSF,通过节点、断面、连接等建模工具构建长江南京段水质预警计算网络,并采用2005年实测资料说明了水动力、水质计算的上下游边界条件和模型参数率定等方法。
关键词:  MDSF  框架结构  InfoWorks RS  水质预警
基金项目:江苏省科技计划项目(BS2007157); 江苏省环境监测科研基金项目(0812); 南京水利科学研究院中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(Y109001)
Advanced Warning of the River Water Quality Based on MDSF
CHEN Ming,LU Wei-xian,LI Gang,ZHANG Xiao-xue1,2,3
1.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute,Nanjing,Jingsu 210029,China;2.State Key Laboratary of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210029;3.Jiangsu Procincial Environmental Monitoring Center,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China
In the present study,the structure of MDSF,the water quality simulation method and water quality model of InfoWorks RS were introduced..Taking advantage of MDSF,the water quality advanced warning computing network for Nanjing section of Yangtze river has been constructed by means of the model building tools such as nodes,sections and links.The bound of hydrodynamic and water quality calculation,the method of model parameters calibration and so on were explained according to the measured data in 2005.
Key words:  MDSF  frame structure  InfoWorks RS  advanced warning of water quality