.Study on the Process Combined with Bio-ecological Technology for Rural Sewage Treatment[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2012,4(1):46-49
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东南大学能源与环境学院,江苏 南京 210096
在对“厌氧池+跌水充氧接触氧化池+水耕蔬菜型人工湿地”生物生态耦合技术应用于农村生活污水处理进行实证研究的基础上,进一步探讨了生物与生态处理单元各自的主要去除对象和效率,为生物生态技术的合理耦合提供了依据。结果表明:在进水COD、TN、TP质量浓度波动范围为51.20~211.12,28.29~122.12,1.26~5.97mg/L时,出水平均质量浓度为15.80,5.51,0.34mg/L,出水水质达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB 18918—2002)》一级A标准。污水中COD、TN、TP的78%,85%,50%的去除是在生物处理单元完成的,而TP的达标排放还必需生态处理单元的参与。整个处理技术处理效果良好,运行费用低,适合在条件允许的农村地区推广使用。
关键词:  跌水充氧接触氧化池  水耕蔬菜型人工湿地  农村生活污水
Study on the Process Combined with Bio-ecological Technology for Rural Sewage Treatment
The effects of the removal of the combined process device with anaerobic process, water-dropping aerating bio-contact oxidation process and aquatic-planted constructed wetlands on some kinds of contaminations were experimentally studied. The device was continuously monitored and the effects of the removal of the combined process on COD, TN and TP were analyzed according to the results. The average effluent concentrations of COD, TN and TP were 15.80mg/L, 5.51 mg/L and 0.34mg/L, respectively, meanwhile the influent concentrations were in the range of 51.20~211.12 mg/L, 28.29~122.12mg/L and 1.26~5.97mg/L,respectively. All these indexes were in accord with the pollutant discharging standard. The biological process presented the average removal ratios of COD, TN and TP while the operation period were 78%,85% and 50% , respectively , however the ecological process was necessary for the removal of TP. Finally, experiments demonstrated that the process could be applied to treat rural wastewater, and reduced the operation cost.
Key words:  water-dropping aerating bio-contact oxidation process aquatic-planted constructed wetlands rural sewage