YU Liang min.Improved Method for Determination of Total Organic in Water Using Combustion Oxidation Nondispersive Infrared Absorption Method[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2013,5(3):38-39
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关键词:  总有机碳  测定方法  改进
Improved Method for Determination of Total Organic in Water Using Combustion Oxidation Nondispersive Infrared Absorption Method
YU Liangmin1,2,3
1.total organic;2.determination method;3.improve
Total organic carbon determination method is divided into subtraction and direct method, which applied respectively in water with high volatile organic matter and high inorganic matter. Direct method to determine the total organic carbon is inadequate in the following two aspects: if the total inorganic carbon content too high, it will take a long time to sweep; while if the sample contains the inorganic carbon that cannot exist under acidification or the organic carbon which may lose after a long time of sweep, it will cause the result deviation. Now the determination method was improved, and combined the subtraction with the direct method to determine the results. First, samples under acidification were swept, and then we use subtraction to determine the total organic carbon. The results showed that, no matter in aspects of standard curve, the accuracy test, labeled recovery or standard test for samples, improvement of the method is much better than the direct method and meanwhile shortened the testing time.
Key words:  total organic  determination method  improve