引用本文:何丽,朱建雯,吕爱华.基于GIS的乌鲁木齐市NO2 时空分布特征[J].环境监控与预警,2014,6(3):47-49
HE Li,ZHU Jian wen,LU Ai hua.The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of NO2 Based on GIS Analysis in Urumqi[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2014,6(3):47-49
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基于GIS的乌鲁木齐市NO2 时空分布特征
1.1.新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052;2.2.乌鲁木齐市环境监测中心站,新疆乌鲁木齐 830000
以乌鲁木齐市2008—2012年7个空气自动监测点位小时浓度数据为基础数据,利用ArcGIS技术,分析了其NO2 年变化、月变化、日变化、空间分布等污染特征。结果表明,NO2 年均值为0.065~0.068mg/m3,基本保持稳定;NO2 呈明显的季节变化,冬季污染较重,春节、秋季次之,夏季空气质量相对较好;NO2 呈现“单峰型”的日变化特征,夜间NO2 明显高于白天;不同季节NO2 的空间分布特征不同,与交通、供暖、人口密度、地理位置密切相关;NO2 分布与风速相关关系明显,而与气温、湿度的关系为非线性。
关键词:  乌鲁木齐  NO2  时空分布  地理信息系统
The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of NO2 Based on GIS Analysis in Urumqi
HE Li,ZHU Jian wen,LU Ai hua
In this paper, the writer, using ArcGIS technology, analyzes the pollution characteristics of NO2 annual change, monthly change, diurnal variation and the spatial distribution, based on the hourly concentration data of seven air automatic monitoring sites in Urumqi from 2008 to 2012. The results show that the annual average of NO2 is 0.065~0.68 mg/m3, which is basically stable. But there is a seasonal variation: the pollution in winter is serious; spring and autumn is better than winter; air quality in summer is relatively good. And the diurnal variation of NO2 presents "single peak type": NO2 concentration at night is significantly higher than the day. Besides, spatial distribution characteristics of NO2 varied in different seasons, and it is closely related to transportation, heating, population density, location; NO2 distribution has an obvious correlation with wind speed, and its relationship with temperature and humidity is nonlinear.
Key words:  Urumqi  NO2  Distribution  GIS