ZHANG Zhong ping,GUO Jian hui.Structural Noise and Vibration Frequency Characteristics Caused by Underground Rail Transit[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2014,6(3):26-31
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关键词:  地下轨道交通  分频振级  结构传声  声暴露级
Structural Noise and Vibration Frequency Characteristics Caused by Underground Rail Transit
ZHANG Zhong ping,GUO Jian hui
By studying the underground rail transit existing national standards and local standards monitoring method and evaluation, we explored the deficiencies existing in the standard.Through the indoor noise and vibration test of the buildings affected by the underground rail transportation operation process,we put forward new ideas of the monitoring of the underground rail transport emissions. The method used a third octave to record full discharge and vibration of train through the whole process of the structure of the microphone. By taking example of the measured method of sound exposure and testing levels of each frequency numerical change events,we intercepted train noise sound vibration frequency vibration level and structure and a third octave sound pressure level. Through various frequency correlation analysis of noise and vibration on the results, we came to a conclusion of low frequency sound transmission pollution feature caused by the underground rail transit operation structure. The tests showed that the sound and vibration pollution energy caused by underground rail transit operation mainly concentrated in 500 hz low frequency part and the peak appeared in 40~60 hz. We compared the results with the existing national or local standards, put forward the discrimination base of using characteristic frequency, evaluated the final measurement results in the form of low frequency data, and finally summarized the discharge frequency characteristic of actual underground rail transit and look forward to the measuring method.
Key words:  Underground rail transit  Divide vibration level  Structure borne sound  Sound exposure level