ZHANG Kai qi,LIU Guang qing.Influence of the Dredging Operation of the Taidong River on the Water Quality of the Tongyu River[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(3):49-51
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江苏省水文水资源勘测局盐城分局,江苏 盐城 224002
关键词:  泰东河  通榆河  疏浚  水质
Influence of the Dredging Operation of the Taidong River on the Water Quality of the Tongyu River
ZHANG Kai qi,LIU Guang qing
Yancheng Branch of Jiangsu Province Hydrology and Water Resources Investigation Bureau,Yancheng,Jiangsu 224002,China
To understand the influence of the dredging operation of the Taidong River on the water quality of the Tongyu River,we monitored the water quality during the operation by sampling water along the Taidong River as well as the east segment of the Tongyu River on June 8,September 12,and December 6,2012.The results showed that the water quality essentially maintained at level II and level III during the operation.According to the annual evaluation report in 2011 and 2013 from the Yancheng Branch of Jiangsu Water Environmental Monitoring Center,the dredging operation of the Taidong River cleared the bottom sediment of the river,and upgraded its protection against floods as well as the capability of navigation.Improvement of the water quality of the Taidong River effectively raised the water quality of the Tongyu River from downstream,ensuring the drinking safety.
Key words:  Taidong River  Tongyu River  Dredge  Water quality