CUI Hai bo,YIN Yong quan*,CUI Zhao jie,WU De hua,JIA Xue qing,LIU Yu.Application of the Dynamic Similarity Method in Optimization of Water Quality Monitoring Sites of the Mainstream of the Tuhaihe River[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(3):17-21
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山东大学环境科学与工程学院,山东 济南 250100
关键词:  动态贴近度法;优化布点;t检验;F检验  徒骇河干流
Application of the Dynamic Similarity Method in Optimization of Water Quality Monitoring Sites of the Mainstream of the Tuhaihe River
CUI Hai bo,YIN Yong quan*,CUI Zhao jie,WU De hua,JIA Xue qing,LIU Yu
School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan,Shandong 250100,China
In order to properly set up water quality monitoring sections for the mainstream of the Tuhaihe River,the dynamic similarity method was used to optimize a total of 13 water quality monitoring sites along the river based on the monitoring data of COD,BOD5,NH3 N,TP,and Cr6+ from 2010 to 2012. The optimal similarity was calculated by computing the distances between the optimum sites and the worst sites during the abundant water period,normal water period,and low water period. To test the accuracy and precision of the measurements,the optimization results were verified by the T test and F test. The results showed that 8 out of the 13 monitoring sites that were optimized were able to reflect the water quality of the mainstream of the Tuhaihe River,and that the dynamic similarity method was feasible to optimize the water quality monitoring sites of the river.
Key words:  Dynamic similarity method  Optimized site  t-test  F-test  Mainstream of the Tuhaihe River