HUA Juan.Analysis and Suggestions for Unexpected Environmental Accidents of Drinking Water Source in the Jiangsu Province[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(3):8-10
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江苏省环境应急与事故调查中心,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  饮用水水源地  突发环境事件  江苏
Analysis and Suggestions for Unexpected Environmental Accidents of Drinking Water Source in the Jiangsu Province
HUA Juan
Jiangsu Environmental Emergency and Accident Investigation Center,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China
In this paper,we analyzed the characteristics of some representative accidents of drinking water source in Jiangsu. It was pointed out that the accident risk from structure and layout was highlighted,as well as the environmental risk from transportation. The illegal emission of company also could cause the unexpected accidents easily. There was not enough means of monitoring and early warning for the drinking water source. The mode of combined water control was not established until now,the same as control mechanism of watershed environmental risk was. The risk assessment for unexpected environmental accidents of drinking water source should be developed. The monitoring and early warning network should be improved,and the prevention and control mechanism should be improved too. The technique of emergency treatment in the accident should be investigated. At the same time,we should accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure and the construction of backup water source. the accidents and summarized the reasons. We suggest that we should improve and perfect the risk prevention system,straighten out the duty of related departments,enhance the engineering ability to response the incident drinking water pollution,strengthen the ability for co prevention of different areas.
Key words:  Drinking water source  Unexpected environmental accidents  Jiangsu