LIU Hao1,WANG Hai tang1,YIN Wei ping2.Research on the Pretreatment Methods of Semi volatile Organic Compounds in Water Pollution Accidents[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(3):31-34
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1.徐州市环境监测中心站,江苏 徐州 221006;2.江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210036
通过配制标准水样,对比液液小体积萃取法、分散液液微萃取法和固相微萃取法结合便携式气质联用仪三种预处理方法的萃取效率。结果表明,在最佳的萃取条件下,三种预处理方法对标准水样的富集效率均较高。在5~50 μg/L范围内,14种SVOC线性良好,检出限为0.1~3.5 μg/L,其中固相微萃取法萃取效率最高,但对酞酸酯类化合物选择性较差。分散液液微萃取法对有机磷类物质选择性较高,而液液小体积萃取法对大部分的半挥发性有机物没有特别的选择性。在进行实际水样测定时,三种方法在灵敏度、精密性和抗干扰能力等方面均满足水环境污染事故的应急监测要求。
关键词:  半挥发性有机物  应急监测  水样  预处理方法
Research on the Pretreatment Methods of Semi volatile Organic Compounds in Water Pollution Accidents
LIU Hao1,WANG Hai tang1,YIN Wei ping21,2
1. Xuzhou Environmental Monitoring Center,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221006,China;2. Jiangsu Environmental Monitoring Center,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China
Small volume liquid liquid extraction,dispersive liquid liquid microextraction and solid phase microextraction coupled with portable GC MS were developed for the determination of representative semi volatile organic compounds(SVOC). By confecting standard water samples,we compared the extraction efficiency of the three methods. The results showed that on the optimum extraction conditions,three pretreatment methods could all get satisfactory results. Linearity was obtained in the range of 5~50 μg/L. The detection limits of 14 SVOC were in the range of 0.1~3.5 μg/L. The extraction efficiency of solid phase microextraction was the highest except for phthalic acid esters,while dispersive liquid liquid microextraction was better for organophosphorus. Compared with the other two methods there was no particular selectivity for small volume liquid liquid extraction. When we determined the actual water samples,we could obtain different sensitivities,precision and anti interference abilities. But all of them could meet the requirements of emergency monitoring in the water environmental pollution accidents.
Key words:  Semi volatile organic compounds  Emergency monitoring  Water sample  Pretreatment method