CHEN Zhi ning,ZHANG Hong gao,ZHOU Wei,SHEN Li juan.Analysis on the Relationship between the Distribution of Macrobenthos Community and Nitrogen Phosphorus Factor in the Gehu Lake[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(1):45-50
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1.常州市环境监测中心,江苏 常州 213014;2.江苏省环境保护水环境生物监测重点实验室,江苏 常州 213014
关键词:  大型底栖动物      时空分布  滆湖
Analysis on the Relationship between the Distribution of Macrobenthos Community and Nitrogen Phosphorus Factor in the Gehu Lake
CHEN Zhining,ZHANG Honggao,ZHOU Wei,SHEN Lijuan1,2
1.Changzhou Environmental Monitoring Center,Changzhou,Jiangsu 213014,China;2.Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Water Environmental Biological Monitoring,Changzhou,Jiangsu 213014,China
Spatial and temporal variations of nitrogen and phosphorus in water and macrobenthos were analyzed here in the Gehu Lake from December 2012 to November 2013. The potential relationship between macrobenthos community structure and nitrogen phosphorus factor were also discussed. The one year monitoring data indicated thatρ(TN) was high in winter and spring,while ρ(TP) had little variation among four seasons. The content of ρ(TN) and ρ(TP) in the northern part of the lake were much higher than that in the southern part. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri andTanypus chinensis were dominant and the density was the highest in autumn,followed by summer and winter,and the lowest in spring. Spatial changes were not significant here. Based on the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA),the community structure variation was heavily dependent on the seasons,and nitrogen played a key role in shaping the macrobenthos community structure in the Gehu Lake. Besides,the relationship between the density of dominant species and the nitrogen phosphorus nutrients showed that the distribution of dominant species was significantly negatively related to the content of TN and NO-3-N.
Key words:  Macrobenthos  Nitrogen  Phosphorus  Spatial and temporal variation  Gehu Lake