MU Ying feng,FU Yin,LU Xiao bo,YU Yi yong,ZHANG Yu yan,ZHU Zhi feng.Improvement on the TH_PKU-300B Fast On-line Monitoring System for Volatile Organic Compounds[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(1):19-23
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江苏省空气预警监测重点实验室,南京市环境监测中心站,江苏 南京 210013
针对现有TH_PKU-300B挥发性有机机物快速在线监测系统在测定含氧挥发性有机化合物(OVOCs)、含氮挥发性有机物(NVOCs )和高沸点挥发性有机物时存在灵敏度低、精密度差、线性响应较差、记忆效应明显等不足,根据其原理,对其GC-MS通道的部分气路进行改进。通过实验对比分析,证明改进后的仪器系统响应更加灵敏、线性拟合度更高、精密度及解析效率均显著提高,同时检出限也由改进前的体积分数0.1×10-9~1.0 ×10-9降低至0.02×10-9~0.08 ×10-9,并解决了记忆效应问题。改进后的系统在OVOCs、NVOCs和高沸点挥发性有机物测定方面要优于原系统。
关键词:  TH_PKU-300B系统  挥发性有机化合物  在线监测
Improvement on the TH_PKU-300B Fast On-line Monitoring System for Volatile Organic Compounds
MU Yingfeng,FU Yin,LU Xiaobo,YU Yiyong,ZHANG Yuyan,ZHU Zhifeng
Key Laboratory of Air Early Warning and Monitoring of Jiangsu Provincial,Nanjing Environmental Monitoring Center,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210013,China
For the existing TH_PKU-300B fast on-line monitoring system for volatile organic compounds,some deficiencies were present such as low sensitivity,poor precision,poor linear response and serious memory effect in the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds(OVOCs),nitrogenous volatile organic compounds(NVOCs) and high boiling point volatile organic compounds. According to its working principles,part of the gas path in the GC-MS system was improved. The experimental results showed that the modified instrument was advantageous in sensitivity,linear fitting degree,precision and thermal desorption efficiency. The detection limit was lowered from0.1×10-9~1.0 ×10-9 to0.02×10-9~0.08 ×10-9,and the problem of memory effect was solved. The modified instrument is superior to the original instrument in the determination of OVOCs,NVOCs and high boiling point volatile organic compounds.
Key words:  TH_PKU-300B  Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)  On line monitoring