摘要: |
利用2014年佛山市8个国控大气自动监测点位的O3监测数据,分析了佛山市的O3污染特征,结果表明,2014年O3日最大8h平均值的第90百分位数为167μg/m3,O3为首要污染物的超标天数为43d,占比46.7%;ρ(O3)区域变化不大;ρ(O3)月变化呈现“三峰型”,全年高ρ(O3)集中在6—10月份,其中7月份出现全年最高峰值;ρ(O3)日变化呈单峰型分布,夜间浓度较低且变化平缓,14:00—16:00左右达到峰值,并存在一定的“周末效应”,但并不明显;ρ(O3)与气温呈显著正相关,与湿度、气压、雨量呈显著负相关,与风向、风速的相关性相对较弱;总体上看,高温、低湿、微风、偏南风、低压、无雨的天气条件下高ρ(O3)更容易出现。 |
关键词: 佛山市 臭氧 污染特征 气象因子 相关性 |
DOI: |
分类号:X832 |
基金项目: |
Pollution Characteristics of Ozone in Urban Area of Foshan and Correlation Between Ozone and Meteorological Factors |
ZHOU Xueling,LIANG Jiaquan
Foshan Environmental Monitoring Central Station,Foshan,Guangdong 528000,China
Abstract: |
Ozone monitoring datas from eight state controlled automatic air monitoring stations in Foshan of 2014 were analyzed to investigate the ozone pollution characteristics. The result showed that the 90th percentile of daily maximum 8 hourly average ozone concentration was 167μg/m3. The numbers of day for exceeding the standards were 43 when ozone was the primary pollutant, with the proportion of 46.7%. The concentration in Foshan area was nearly and the monthly variations presented “three peaks”, the annual high concentration of ozone concentrated in June to October, of which the highest peak appeared in July throughout the year. Ozone diurnal variation showed a single peak distribution, low concentration and changed slowly at night, the peak of which appeared at 14 to 16 o'clock in the afternoon. Ozone concentration showed some weekend effect but not obvious. Meanwhile, the correlation between ozone concentration and some meteorological factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, rainfall was analyzed. The result showed that the correlation between ozone concentration and temperature was significant, the same as the negative correlation between ozone concentration and humidity, air pressure, rainfall. On the other hand, the correlation between ozone concentration and wind speed, wind direction was weak relatively. Overall, high ozone concentration was observed easily in high temperature, low humidity, gentle breeze, southerly wind, low pressure, rain free weather. |
Key words: Foshan Ozone Pollution characteristics Meteorological factors Correlation |