TIAN Zhi ren,LIN Feng,YOU Yang,LI Ning,QI Wen qi,LI Man,QIU Li li.Investigation on the Acceptance Monitoring Frequency of Environmental Noise in Airport Surrounding Areas[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(1):56-59
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1.中国环境监测总站,北京 100012;2.福建省环境监测中心站,福建 福州 350000
通过比较3个不同类型机场周边敏感点噪声连续1昼夜、连续2昼夜与连续7昼夜平均计权等效连续感觉声级值之间的差异发现,对于同一监测目标,连续1昼夜与连续7昼夜声级值差异不超过2.2 dB,连续2昼夜与连续7昼夜声级值差异不超过1.8 dB,连续1昼夜或2昼夜与连续7昼夜的噪声监测结果差别不大。
关键词:  飞机噪声  噪声敏感目标  计权等效连续感觉声级  监测频次
Investigation on the Acceptance Monitoring Frequency of Environmental Noise in Airport Surrounding Areas
TIAN Zhiren,LIN Feng,YOU Yang,LI Ning,QI Wenqi,LI Man,QIU Lili1,2
1. China National Environmental Monitoring Center,Beijing 100012,China;2. Fujian Environmental Monitoring Center,Fuzhou,Fujian 350000,China
Based on calculation and analysis of noise measurement results,this paper compared the average weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level at noise sensitive sites around three different types of airports during one day and night,two consecutive days and nights,and seven consecutive days and nights. It was found that the biggest difference of the sound level between one day and night and seven consecutive days and nights was less than 2.2 dB for the same monitoring target,and less than 1.8 dB between two and seven consecutive days and nights. There was no significant difference of the monitoring results among the three monitoring frequencies for the same monitoring target.
Key words:  Aircraft noise  Noise sensitive target  Weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level  Monitoring frequency