引用本文:廖蕾, 张晓赟, 徐振秋, 徐恒省, 李建宏.太湖东岸饮用水主要异味物质年变化规律及来源分析[J].环境监控与预警,2017,9(2):10-13
LIAO Lei,ZHANG Xiao yun, XU Zheng qiu,XU Heng sheng,LI Jian hong.Source and Fluctuation of Main Off flavor Compounds in Drinking Water of East Taihu[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2017,9(2):10-13
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廖蕾, 张晓赟, 徐振秋, 徐恒省, 李建宏1,2
1. 苏州市环境监测中心,江苏 苏州 215004;2. 南京师范大学, 江苏 南京 210023
于2015年对苏州市太湖东岸饮用水主要异味物质进行了调查。结果表明,主要异味物质为土臭素、2-甲基异莰醇、β-环柠檬醛、β-紫罗兰酮等,检出率分别50.0%,66.7%,70.8%和66.7%,其中2-甲基异莰醇年均值是其嗅觉阈值的2.31倍,其他异味物质年均值未超过其阈值,水体主要表现为土霉味。异味问题爆发时间为夏季 (5—9月),土臭素、2-甲基异莰醇、β-环柠檬醛、β-紫罗兰酮检出最高值分别为 13.8, 170, 170和 29.6ng/L。分析了异味物质与环境因子的相关性,初步推断太湖主要异味物质为水中蓝藻的某些种类所致。
关键词:  异味物质  气相色谱/质谱  顶空固相微萃取  饮用水  太湖
Source and Fluctuation of Main Off flavor Compounds in Drinking Water of East Taihu
LIAO Lei,ZHANG Xiaoyun, XU Zhengqiu,XU Hengsheng,LI Jianhong1,2
1. Suzhou Environmental Monitoring Center,Suzhou, Jiangsu 215004, China;2. Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China
Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with headspace solid phase micro extraction (HS/SPME) has been employed in detecting off flavor compounds in water. One year long investigation on off flavor compounds was carried out in drinking water of east Taihu in Suzhou. The main off flavor compounds were geosmin, 2 methylisoborneol (2-MIB),β〖 cyclocitral and β ionone; the detection rate were 50.0%,66.7%,70.8% and 66.7%, respectively. Annual average concentration of 2 MIB was 2.31 times of its odor threshold value, which caused earthy odor of the water. The annual average concentration of the other three off flavor compounds was lower than their odor threshold values. The peak concentration of geosmin, 2 MIB,β cyclocitral and β ionone were 13.8, 170, 170 ng/L and 29.6 ng/L, respectively, which occurred mainly from May to September. This paper also discussed the correlation analysis between off flavor compounds and environmental factors. Algae were suspected as the resources of the main off flavor compounds of Taihu.
Key words:  Off flavor compounds  GC/MS  HS/SPME  Drinking water  Taihu Lake