引用本文:宋晓娟, 李海燕, 尹明明, 马玉琴.低温浓缩-气质联用分析污染源废气中环氧氯丙烷[J].环境监控与预警,2017,9(2):23-26
ONG Xiao juan, LI Hai yan, YIN Ming ming, MA Yu qin.Determination of Epichlorohydrin Emissions from Stationary Sources Using Cryogenic Pre concentration Followed by GC/MS[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2017,9(2):23-26
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宋晓娟, 李海燕, 尹明明, 马玉琴
连云港市环境监测中心站, 江苏 连云港 222001
建立了气袋采样-液氮低温浓缩-气质联用分析污染源废气中环氧氯丙烷的方法,优化了相关监测参数。优化后的方法在环氧氯丙烷质量浓度10~500μg/m3范围内线性良好,相关系数>0.999,加标回收率为72.1%~85.7%,相对标准偏差<5 %,气体进样量为5.0mL时,检出限为4.37μg/m3,可以满足废气中环氧氯丙烷监测的要求。
关键词:  低温浓缩  气质联用  环氧氯丙烷
Determination of Epichlorohydrin Emissions from Stationary Sources Using Cryogenic Pre concentration Followed by GC/MS
ONG Xiaojuan, LI Haiyan, YIN Mingming, MA Yuqin
Lianyungang Environmental Monitoring Center, Lianyungang,Jiangsu 222001, China
A method based on cryogenic pre concentration followed by GC/MS was established for the determination of epichlorohydrin emissions from stationary sources. A cryogenic pre concentrator, which acts as autosampler, was used to concentrate epichlorohydrin collected in gas bags. Relevant parameters for cryogenic pre concentration were optimized. After pre concentrated, epichlorohydrin was introduced into GC/MS to undergo qualitative and quantitative analysis, and appraisal of the whole method was then carried out from different respects. Good linearity was obtained within 10~500μg/m3, and the correlation coefficient was greater than 0.999. The average recoveries ranged from 72.1%~85.7%. Meanwhile, the method was stable enough to realize extensive use with RSD lower than 5%. The detection limit was 4.37μg/m3 based on an injection volume of 5 mL, which was sensitive enough to realize waste gas monitoring.
Key words:  Cryogenic pre concentration  GC/MS  Epichorohydrin