引用本文:周俊, 黄文婷, 陈桥.垂直管理背景下设区市环境监测站能力建设的建议[J].环境监控与预警,2017,9(6):64-66
ZHOU Jun, HUANG Wen ting, CHEN Qiao.Suggestions on the Capacity Building of the Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station under Vertical Management[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2017,9(6):64-66
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周俊, 黄文婷, 陈桥
常州市环境监测中心,江苏 常州 213001
关键词:  垂直管理  环境监测  能力建设
Suggestions on the Capacity Building of the Municipal Environmental Monitoring Station under Vertical Management
ZHOU Jun, HUANG Wenting, CHEN Qiao
Changzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213001,China
This paper analyzed the current situation and the existing problems on the capacity building of the municipal environmental monitoring station. Also it judged the situation and needs of the environmental monitoring capacity building in the background of vertical management. The capacity building should be adapted to the adjustment of monitoring function. In order to build a technical strong station which meets the needs of eco environmental quality monitoring and a station with fully highlighted characteristic strength. We should start with raising the level of technique by keeping the stability of human resource, improving the structure of the automatic monitoring system, constructing the information integration platform and excavating any potential according to regional characteristics.
Key words:  Vertical management  Environmental