HUANG Wen ting, HE Tao.Correlation Analysis of Pollutants during the Spring Festival in Changzhou City[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2018,10(3):50-54
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常州市环境监测中心,江苏 常州 213001
分析了常州市2017年春节前后各污染物浓度的关联性和差异性。结果表明,除O3外,春节期间各污染物均值均低于春节前后,春节前后随着污染源的变化,污染物之间的相关性表现出较为明显的差异。SO2 与PM2.5、PM10、CO和NO2的相关性均较春节前后有显著下降;爆竹集中燃放时间段,CO与综合指数、PM2.5 和PM10之间的相关系数>0.96;而在烟花爆竹燃放相对较少的初三和初四,该相关系数<0.6。工业减产停产和机动车使用减少对空气质量改善有较大贡献,而在不利气象条件下,烟花爆竹可导致空气质量在短时间内恶化。
关键词:  春节  烟花爆竹  空气质量  相关性分析  常州  污染物
Correlation Analysis of Pollutants during the Spring Festival in Changzhou City
HUANG Wenting, HE Tao
Changzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Changzhou,Jiangsu 213001,China
The correlation and difference of the concentration of pollutants before and after the Spring Festival of 2017 in Changzhou were analyzed. The results showed that, except for O3, the concentration of pollutants during the Spring Festival was lower than that before and after. The correlation analysis showed that with the change of the pollution source, the correlation between the pollutants showed a more obvious difference. The correlation between SO2 and PM2.5 , PM10 , CO and NO2 significantly decreased. When the fireworks concentrated discharged, the correlation coefficient between CO and the comprehensive pollution index, PM2.5 and PM10 is higher than 0.96. While in the third and fourth day of Chinese Lunar New Year, when fireworks setting off decreased, the correlation coefficient was below 0.6. The reduction of industrial output and the reducing use of motor vehicle have a great contribution to the improvement of air quality. Under unfavorable weather conditions, fireworks can cause air quality to deteriorate in a short time.
Key words:  The Spring Festival  Fireworks  Air quality  Correlation analysis  Changzhou  Pollutant