ZHANG Jin-pu, LIANG Gui-xiong, FENG Biao, QIU Xiao-nuan, CHEN Yu.Evaluation and Error Analysis on the Effect of Air Quality Forecast in Guangzhou during the Polluted Season[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2018,10(2):40-44
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关键词:  广州  空气质量预报  效果评估  误差分析
Evaluation and Error Analysis on the Effect of Air Quality Forecast in Guangzhou during the Polluted Season
ZHANG Jin-pu, LIANG Gui-xiong, FENG Biao, QIU Xiao-nuan, CHEN Yu
Guangzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510030,China
Based on the measured and the forecast data of air quality of the fourth quarter of 2016 in Guangzhou City, this study evaluated the air quality forecast effect of Guangzhou during the polluted season. The results showed that in the fourth quarter of 2016, the forecast accuracy of air quality level in Guangzhou was 83.7%. The forecast accuracy of AQI range was 67.4%, the forecast accuracy of primary pollutants was 67.2%, the comprehensive assessment score was 87.4, and the correlation coefficient was 0.78. The prediction results were generally good. The forecast accuracy is relatively high at good air quality grades and relatively low at polluted grades. Forecast error analysis showed that the objective factors, such as the lack of high resolution weather forecasting, the uncertainty of model forecasting and the subjective factor like the forecasters′ lack of in depth understanding of the physico chemical mechanisms of pollution processes, lead to errors in forecasts.
Key words:  Guangzhou  Air quality forecast  Effect evaluation  Error Analysis