LIU Qian, LI Hui peng, ZHAO Qiu yue, HAN Jun zan, YAO Yu kun.Analysis on Characteristics and Transport Pathways of Particulate Matter in Xuzhou[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2018,10(4):12-18
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江苏省环境科学研究院,江苏省环境工程重点实验室,江苏 南京 210036
利用徐州2015年PM2.5和PM10逐小时质量浓度数据,分析了徐州颗粒物时空变化特征。同时基于HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式,结合GDAS气象数据和空气质量数据,利用轨迹聚类及潜在源分析法研究徐州不同季节气流轨迹对颗粒物浓度的影响及PM2.5和PM10的潜在来源。结果显示,2015年徐州环境空气中PM2.5和PM10的年均值为65和122 μg/m3,分别超过国家《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)二级标准限值86%和63%。各国控站点ρ(PM2.5)和ρ(PM10)月变化呈现一致的冬季高夏季低的“V”型变化特征,这与气象条件和气流轨迹特征季节性变化有关。秋冬季污染较高时期徐州主要受西北内陆性气团和较为稳定的气象条件影响,而春夏季来自较为干净的东部海洋性气团利于污染扩散。潜在源分析显示,山东、安徽、苏中南、浙西北等地区是影响徐州市PM2.5和PM10的主要潜在源区。各季节潜在源区分布范围有一定差异,冬季时潜在源区分布最广,并有明显向西北方向转移延伸的趋势。
关键词:  徐州  颗粒物  污染特征  轨迹聚类  潜在源贡献因子法
Analysis on Characteristics and Transport Pathways of Particulate Matter in Xuzhou
LIU Qian, LI Huipeng, ZHAO Qiuyue, HAN Junzan, YAO Yukun
Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science, Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036, China
In this paper, the hourly PM2.5 and PM10 concentration data in Xuzhou during 2015 were used to analyze the temporal and spatial variability of particulate matter. Then, based on the HYSPLIT back trajectory model, GDAS meteorological data and air quality data, the transport pathways and the potential sources regions of PM2.5 and PM10 in different seasons were examined using cluster analysis and potential source contribution function analysis. The results showed that the annual average concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 in 2015 were 65 and 122 μg/m3 respectively, which exceeded the national Ambient Air Quality Standard (AAQS) (BG 3095—2012) Grade II standards by 86% and 63%. The monthly variation of PM2.5and PM10 concentrations presented a "V" feature with high concentration in winter and low concentration in summer in all stations, which was related to the seasonal changes of meteorological conditions and the characteristics of airflow trajectories. Xuzhou was mainly affected by polluted inland northwest air masses and more stable meteorological conditions in autumn and winter, while in spring and summer, it was affected by relatively clean eastern marine air masses. Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) results showed that Shandong, Anhui, Central and South Jiangsu, Northwest Zhejiang and other regions were the main potential source regions of PM2.5 and PM10 in Xuzhou. There were some differences in the distribution range of potential source regions in each season and the most widely distributed potential source areas were in winter. Compared with other seasons, there was a clear trend extending to the northwest.
Key words:  Xuzhou  Particulate matter  Pollution characteristics  Trajectory clustering  PSCF