SHI Hao, LI Xu-wen, NIU Zhi-chun, JIANG Sheng, ZHANG Yue, WANG Tian-tian.Spatiotemporal Change and Driving Forces of Urban Landscape Pattern in Jintan District[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2019,11(4):5-9
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江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210019
基于2010—2015年江苏省常州市金坛区高分辨率遥感影像,综合分析了生态系统空间分布格局及其演变特征,初步揭示了生态系统的驱动力及其对生态系统格局变化的影响。结果表明,金坛区生态系统类型主要由农田、湿地、城镇构成,3者合占总面积的87.8%; 2010年以来,金坛加快实施城市“东扩南移”战略,原有农田不断被蚕食,生态系统的聚集度、边界密度有所上升,城镇更加连片分布,城镇面积已接近2020年18 604.7 hm2的建设红线。
关键词:  生态系统  景观格局  景观指数  驱动力  金坛区
Spatiotemporal Change and Driving Forces of Urban Landscape Pattern in Jintan District
SHI Hao, LI Xu-wen, NIU Zhi-chun, JIANG Sheng, ZHANG Yue, WANG Tian-tian
Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019,China
Based on the high resolution remote sensing images of Jintan District, Changzhou City of Jiangsu Province from 2010 to 2015, this paper analyzed the change characteristics of urban landscape pattern during these years, and preliminarily demonstrated the driving forces of ecosystem, as well as its affect on landscape pattern. The results show that Jintan District mainly consists of farmland, wetland and urban ecosystem, the area of the above 3 types accounts 87.8% of the total area. During the rapid urbanization process from 2010, a strategy of “Eastern Expansion and Southern Movement” have been implementing, which leads to the decrease of farmland area, and the increase of ecosystem aggregation and boundary density. With the more continuous distribution of urban, urban area is near the construction redline of 18 604.7 hm2 by 2020.
Key words:  Ecosystem  Landscape pattern  Landscape metric  Driving forces  Jintan District