引用本文:毛佳迪,马维宇, 吴军莲,王玲玲,于南洋,韦斯.废线路板处理工艺中持久性有毒物质环境释放特征[J].环境监控与预警,2019,11(3):6-11
MAO Jia-di,MA Wei-yu,WU Jun-lian,WANG Ling-ling,YU Nan-yang,WEI Si.Environmental Release Characteristic of PTS in Waste Circuit Board Treatment Process[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2019,11(3):6-11
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毛佳迪,马维宇, 吴军莲,王玲玲,于南洋,韦斯1,2
1.污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京大学环境学院,江苏 南京 210093;2.江苏省固体废物监督管理中心,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  废线路板  回收处理  持久性有毒物质  环境释放特征
基金项目:全球环境基金项目资助(5044); 江苏省环保科研课题基金项目资助(2017001);江苏省环境监测科研基金项目资助(1317)
Environmental Release Characteristic of PTS in Waste Circuit Board Treatment Process
MAO Jia-di,MA Wei-yu,WU Jun-lian,WANG Ling-ling,YU Nan-yang,WEI Si1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210093,China;2.Jiangsu Provincial Solid Waste Supervision and Management Center, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China
This study takes one standard enterprise in Jiangsu Province as an example to analyze the environmental release characteristic of persistent toxic substance (PTS) in organized emission, unorganized emission and electronic waste residue during the treatment of waste circuit boards by detecting their concentration. The results showed that the concentration of chlorinated dioxins in the unorganized emission was significantly higher than that in the organized emission. In addition, the concentration of organic and inorganic PTS in the grinding technique is higher than that in the de stannous technique. Among them, inorganic PTS is mainly composed of Pb, Cd, Cr and their compounds in suspended particulate matter. According to PTS material flow analysis, the release ratio of inorganic PTS (0.0%~22.0%) is higher than that of organic PTS (0.0%~1.0%). Unfortunately, a large amount of organic PTS remains in metal and non metal powders. Therefore, further attention needs to be paid to the subsequent use and processing of waste circuit board processing residues. Moreover, it is proposed to use automated facilities to reduce the workers workshop time to reduce the risk of occupational exposure.
Key words:  Waste circuit board  Recovery treatment  Persistent Toxic Substance  Environmental release characteristic