引用本文:陈亚军 ,何席伟,周嘉伟,齐昭栋,张徐祥.太湖流域典型厂村融合区复合面源污染特征分析——以礼嘉镇、洛阳镇、雪堰镇为例[J].环境监控与预警,2019,11(2):1-9
CHEN Ya jun, HE Xi wei, ZHOU Jia wei, QI Zhao dong, ZHANG Xu xiang.Characteristics Analysis of Composite Non point Source Pollution in Typical Industrial agricultural integrating Area in Taihu Lake Basin——A Case Study of Lijia Town, Luoyang Town and Xueyan Town[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2019,11(2):1-9
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陈亚军 ,何席伟,周嘉伟,齐昭栋,张徐祥
为把握厂村融合区工农业复合面源污染现状及特征,选取典型区域礼嘉、洛阳、雪堰3镇进行研究,结果表明,2017年3镇复合面源等标污染负荷总量为1.85×109 m3 /a,其中总氮(TN)等标负荷量最高,占总量的44.73%,为优先控制因子;57个行政村中,污染物负荷量及负荷强度均较高的行政村大多集中在洛阳镇和礼嘉镇,如圻庄村、天井村、毛家村、大路村等,为优先控制区域;各污染源中,农村生活污水和畜禽养殖贡献的等标污染负荷量最高,分别占总量的37.88%和35.49%,其次是种植业和厂区面源,贡献率分别为13.17%和12.77%,水产养殖贡献率最低;通过聚类分析将厂村融合区复合面源污染类型分为6类。
关键词:  太湖流域  厂村融合区  复合面源污染  等标污染负荷
Characteristics Analysis of Composite Non point Source Pollution in Typical Industrial agricultural integrating Area in Taihu Lake Basin——A Case Study of Lijia Town, Luoyang Town and Xueyan Town
CHEN Ya jun, HE Xi wei, ZHOU Jia wei, QI Zhao dong, ZHANG Xu xiang
Characteristics Analysis of Composite Non point Source Pollution in Typical Industrial agricultural integrating Area in Taihu Lake Basin——A Case Study of Lijia Town, Luoyang Town and Xueyan Town
In order to grasp the present situation and characteristics of industrial and agricultural non point source pollution in the fusion area of factories and villages, the typical areas of Lijia Town, Luoyang Town and Xueyan Town were selected to study. The results showed that the total pollution load of Lijia Town, Luoyang Town and Xueyan Town was 1.85×109 m3 /a in 2017, and TN was the highest, accounting for 44.73% of the total, which was the priority control factor in 57 administrative villages. Most of the administrative villages with higher biomass load and load intensity are located in Luoyang and Lijia towns, such as Qizhuang, Tianjing, Maojia and Dalu villages, which are the priority control areas. Among the pollution sources, rural domestic sewage and livestock and poultry farming contribute the highest contamination load, accounting for 37.88% and 35.49% of the total, respectively. The contribution rates were 13.17% and 12.77% respectively, and the contribution rate of aquaculture was the lowest. By cluster analysis, the non point source pollution types in the fusion area of factories and villages were divided into six categories.
Key words:  Taihu Lake Basin  Industrial agricultural integrating area  Composite Non point source pollution  Equivalent pollution load