XU Zhi-bo, YANG Yi, BIAN Li,CAI kun, ZHANG Yue, DING Ming.Dry and Wet Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Taihu in Lake[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2019,11(4):37-42
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1.江苏省苏力环境科技有限责任公司,江苏 南京 210019;2.江苏省环境监测中心, 江苏 南京 210019
于2018年1—12月,采集太湖湖滨及湖面共计9个点位600多个干湿沉降样品,估算了N、P干、湿沉降率以及全太湖2018年N、P干、湿沉降通量。结果表明,2018年太湖TN和TP月湿沉降率均值分别为161.2和7.1 kg/(km2·月),TN和TP月干沉降率均值分别为103.6和4.5 kg/(km2·月)。TN和TP年干沉降率空间分布规律为:湖面之上开阔水域处的TN和TP年干沉降率大于其他湖滨点位,TN和TP总沉降通量为7 702和333 t/a。2018年相比于2002—2003年,TN和TP总沉降通量分别降低了22.6%和53.8%。
关键词:  大气沉降  干、湿沉降  总磷  总氮  沉降通量  太湖
Dry and Wet Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Taihu in Lake
XU Zhi-bo, YANG Yi, BIAN Li,CAI kun, ZHANG Yue, DING Ming1,2
1.Jiangsu Suli Environmental Science and Technology Co., Ltd,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China;2. Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing ,Jiangsu 210036,China
More than 600 samples were collected from 9 points located in lakeside and lake surface of Taihu Lake to conduct wet and dry atmospheric deposition rate measurement, spatial distribution analysis and fluxes estimation of the whole Taihu Lake in 2018. The results showed that monthly average wet deposition rate of total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) were 161.2 kg/(km2·month) and 7.1 kg/(km2·month) respectively, while monthly average dry deposition rate were 103.6 kg/(km2·month) and 4.5 kg/(km2·month). Spatial distribution pattern of dry deposition of TN and TP presented that annual dry deposition rate of TN and TP from open waters was higher than other lakeside points. Total nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes of Taihu Lake in 2018 were 7 702 t/year and 333 t/year respectively, which decreased 22.6% and 53.8% when compared with 2002—2003.
Key words:  Atmospheric deposition  Dry and wet deposition  Total nitrogen  Total phosphorus  Deposition fluxes  Taihu Lake