WU Chu, WANG Yu, LIN Xiao-ping, ZHANG Hui, HE Fa-sheng.[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2019,11(3):40-43
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1.河源市环境监测站,广东 河源 517000;2. 广东省环境监测中心,广东 广州 510220;3. 河源市气象台,广东 河源 517000
利用2014—2017年河源城区环境空气自动监测站数据和气象数据,对期间出现的污染天气过程进行统计,对影响污染的天气类型进行分类。结果表明,2014—2017年,河源城区累计出现污染天气65 d,超标污染物主要为PM2.5和O3,O3超标比例逐年上升成为达标率首要影响因子。PM2.5易污染天气型中冷高压出海占比最多(38.2%),其次为冷锋前(17.7%)和均压场(14.8%);O3易污染天气型中副高控制占比最多(31.0%),其次为副高叠加台风外围(24.1%)和冷高压出海(13.8%)及均压场(13.8%)。河源城区低程度污染(AQI值101~110)占比较大。
关键词:  污染特征  天气类型  细颗粒物  臭氧  河源市  空气质量指数
WU Chu, WANG Yu, LIN Xiao-ping, ZHANG Hui, HE Fa-sheng1,2,3
1. Heyuan Environmental Monitoring Station, Heyuan,Guangdong 517000, China;2. Guangdong Environmental Monitoring Center, Guangzhou,Guangdong 510220, China;3. Meteorological Bureau of Heyuan City, Heyuan, Guangdong 517000, China
Based on the data from the ambient air automatic monitoring station and the meteorological data in Heyuan city from 2014 to 2017, the polluted weather process was statistically analyzed and the weather pattern that affects the pollution was classified. The research showed that there were 65 pollution days in Heyuan city during 2014 to 2017. The pollutants exceeding the standard were mainly PM2.5 and ozone. The proportion of ozone exceeding the standard increased year by year and became the primary influencing factor of the air quality. Cold high pressure moving to sea had the largest proportion (38.2%) of the weather types which are prone to PM2.5 pollution, followed by before the cold front type (17.7%) and the uniform pressure field type (14.8%). Subtropical high (31.0%) dominated the ozone pollution weather types, followed by subtropical high pressure superimposed typhoon peripheral type (24.1%), cold high sea type (13.8%) and uniform pressure field type (13.8%). Low level pollution (AQI value 101~110) accounts for a large proportion in Heyuan.
Key words:  Pollution characteristics  Weather type  PM2.5  Ozone  Heyuan  Air quality index