LIU Hua, GUO Qing-rong, LIU Zhu-ting.Study on the Spatial-temporal Variations and Influence Factors of Ecosystem Status in Guangdong Province during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2019,11(4):10-15
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广东省环境监测中心,广东 广州 510308
基于2011—2015年Landsat7、Landsat8等卫星遥感影像,结合土壤侵蚀面积、水资源量、降雨量、污染物排放量等统计数据,按照《生态环境状况评价技术规范》(HJ 192—2015),研究评价广东省“十二五”期间生态环境状况及其时空变化趋势,并对其影响因素进行综合分析。结果表明,广东省的生态环境状况总体为优,各市生态环境状况均属优、良,粤北生态环境状况整体最好;广东省及各市生态环境状况稳中趋好,但呈现温和地波动变化;主要污染物排放量下降和水资源总量提高是促进生态环境状况改善的主要原因。
关键词:  遥感监测  生态环境状况指数  时空变化  广东
Study on the Spatial-temporal Variations and Influence Factors of Ecosystem Status in Guangdong Province during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period
LIU Hua, GUO Qing-rong, LIU Zhu-ting
Guangdong Environmental Monitoring Center, Guangzhou,Guangdong 510308, China
Based on Landsat7,Landsat8 images and the statistical data of soil erosion area, water resources, rainfall and pollutant emissions in 2011—2015, the ecological environment quality and its spatial and temporal trends in Guangdong Province were evaluated during the 12th Five Year Plan Period according to the “Technical Criterion for Ecosystem Status Evaluation”(HJ 192—2015). Moreover, the influencing factors were comprehensively explored. The results showed that the eco environment quality of Guangdong Province was totally excellent, and each city was assessed as excellent or good. And what’s more, the overall eco environment quality of northern Guangdong was the best.Besides, the eco environment quality of Guangdong Province and various cities were gradually improved and stable with mild fluctuations. The decline of major pollutant emissions and the increase of total water resources were the main reasons for improving the eco environment quality.
Key words:  Remote sensing monitoring  Ecological index  Spatial temporal variations  Guangdong