JIANG Shao-jie,JIN Shan,SHI Xin-lan,XIE Wen-li.Determination of Petroleum in Changzhou Drinking Water Source Areas by Self designed Automatic Stirring Extraction Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2020,12(2):36-40
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江苏省常州环境监测中心,江苏 常州 213000
根据《水质 石油类的测定 紫外分光光度法(试行)》(HJ 970—2018)的要求,以正己烷为溶剂,采用自行设计的搅拌式液液萃取器处理样品,萃取相经硅酸镁吸附脱除极性物质后,用紫外分光光度法测定常州市城市饮用水水源地的石油类指标。结果表明:方法检出限为0.01 mg/L,线性范围为0~16.0 mg/L,相关系数为0.999 8,4种不同浓度配制样品测定的相对误差为-15.0%~4.0%,相对标准偏差为2.2%~8.8%。各项技术指标均满足《HJ 970—2018》相关质量控制要求,相比手动萃取-红外分光光度法,自动搅拌萃取-紫外分光光度法能有效提高分析效率和降低职业危害。
关键词:  石油类  紫外法;自动搅拌萃取;饮用水;职业危害
Determination of Petroleum in Changzhou Drinking Water Source Areas by Self designed Automatic Stirring Extraction Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
JIANG Shao-jie,JIN Shan,SHI Xin-lan,XIE Wen-li
Jiangsu Changzhou Environmental Monitoring Center,Changzhou,Jiangsu 213000,China
According to Water quality Determination of petroleum Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method(Trial) (HJ 970—2018), petroleum in samples of Changzhou drinking water source areas was completely extracted by n hexane using self designed stirring extractor. Petroleum was accurately determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry after removing polar substances through magnesium silicate adsorbent. Experimental results showed that: detection limit was 0.01 mg/L, linear plot was obtained between 0~16.0 mg/L, with correlation coefficient of 0.999 8. Samples with four different levels of petroleum standard were detected with relative errors ranged from -15.0% to 4.0% and relative standard deviations ranged from 2.2% to 8.8%. Each technical indicator satisfied the requirements of “HJ 970—2018”. Compared to manual shaking extraction infrared spectrophotometry method, this automatic stirring extraction ultraviolet spectrophotometry method effectively improved analysis efficiency and also decreased occupational hazard.
Key words:  Petroleum  Ultraviolet spectrophotometry  Automatic stirring extraction  Drinking water  Occupational hazard