YANG Xue,QIN Wei,WANG Chen-bo,MAO Jing-jing.Study on Characteristics of Ozone Pollution in Jiangsu Province in Spring[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(1):20-24
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1.江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210019;2. 江苏省苏力环境科技有限责任公司,江苏 南京 210019
对2018—2020年春季江苏省臭氧(O3)污染特征进行了分析。结果表明,江苏省ρ(O3)均超过二级标准限值,分别超出5.6%,11.3%和8.8%,沿江区域ρ(O3)略高于苏北区域;ρ(O3-1 h)日变化呈“单峰型”,峰值呈逐年上升趋势,非污染日苏北区域ρ(O3-1 h)均高于沿江区域,主要时间段体现在夜间至次日早晨,污染日中午至傍晚时段,沿江区域ρ(O3-1h)高于苏北区域;日ρ(O3)高频区间为80~120 μg/m3,频率约为20%,沿江区域高频区间为60~120 μg/m3,苏北区域高频区间为80~140 μg/m3,频率均超过15%。沿江和苏北区域日ρ(O3)在临界区间的出现频率偏差不大,O3污染潜在风险相当;江苏省ρ(O3)超标率呈逐年递增趋势,超标现象主要集中在4—5月;O3作为首要污染物且超标的占比逐年升高,而PM2.5作为首要污染物且超标的占比逐年降低,江苏省春季空气质量影响因子逐渐从PM2.5转为O3;平均>90%的O3污染日为轻度污染,受O3影响空气质量达到中度污染的占比较小,平均<10%,未出现因O3导致的重度或严重污染日。
关键词:  臭氧  空气质量  污染特征  江苏  春季
基金项目:江苏省环境监测科研基金资助项目 (1902)
Study on Characteristics of Ozone Pollution in Jiangsu Province in Spring
YANG Xue,QIN Wei,WANG Chen-bo,MAO Jing-jing1,2
1.Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019, China;2. Jiangsu Suli Environmental Technology Co., Ltd , Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019, China
The ozone (O3) pollution characteristic of Jiangsu Province in the spring of 2018—2020 was analyzed. The results showed that the concentration of O3 in Jiangsu Province exceeded the secondary standard limit of China,exceeding by 5.6%, 113% and 8.8% respectively. In the area along the Yangtze River, the concentration of O3 was slightly higher than that in Northern Jiangsu. The daily variation of O3-1h was "unimodal", the peak value increased year by year, the concentration of O3-1h in Northern Jiangsu was higher than that in the area along the Yangtze River on the non pollution days, which occured during the period from night to the next morning, while on pollution days from noon to evening, the concentration of O3-1h in the area along the Yangtze River was higher than that in Northern Jiangsu. The daily concentration of O3 showed a probability of 20% to fall within the range of 80~120 μg/m3. While the range was 60~120 μg/m3 for the area along the Yangtze River and 80~140 μg/m3for Northern Jiangsu, both showed the probability of not less than 15%. The difference of daily concentration of O3 between the area along the Yangtze River and Northern Jiangsu was not obvious, indicating an equivalent potential risk of O3 pollution in both areas. The probability of O3exceeding the set standard increased year by year in Jiangsu province, and excess mainly happened from April to May.The proportion of O3 as the primary pollutant exceeding the set standard increased year by year, while the proportion of PM2.5 as the primary pollutant exceeding the set standard decreased year by year, so the influencing factor of spring air quality in Jiangsu province gradually changed from PM2.5 to O3, on average, more than 90% of O3 pollution days were light pollution, less than 10% were moderate pollution, and no heavy or severe pollution days affected by O3.
Key words:  Ozone  Air quality  Pollution characteristics  Jiangsu province  Spring