HUANG Zi-yan, DING Ting-ting, DU Shi-linet al;.Contamination Characteristics and Ecological Risk of Antibiotics of the Shaying River Basin[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2020,12(5):120-127
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1. 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院,安徽省水污染控制与废水资源化重点实验室,安徽 合肥,230601;2. 中国环境科学研究院,环境检测与实验中心,北京 100012
于2018年7月 (丰水期)、11月 (枯水期) 和2019年3月(平水期)对沙颍河流域5种抗生素磺胺吡啶(SPD)、磺胺氯哒嗪(SCP)、磺胺嘧啶(SDZ)、环丙沙星(CIP)和四环素(TCL)的污染状况和空间分布进行了研究,并对其生态风险进行了评价。结果表明,沙颍河流域5种抗生素在丰水期、枯水期和平水期均有检出,丰水期CIP、枯水期SPD和SDZ以及平水期SCP的检出率均>50%,平水期SCP的检出率最高达到70.97%,CIP在丰水期的检出值最高(655 ng/L),5种抗生素累积浓度为:丰水期>平水期>枯水期。对比国内其他地区水体环境,沙颍河流域5种抗生素浓度总体处于一般水平,但丰水期CIP检出浓度较高。相关性分析显示抗生素浓度与水质参数硬度、NH3-N和电导率显著相关。5种抗生素的水生态风险为:丰水期>枯水期>平水期,其中CIP和TCL均为高风险。提出,应加强监测评估与预警管理,有效控制其水生态风险。
关键词:  沙颍河流域  抗生素  空间分布  相关性  生态风险评估
Contamination Characteristics and Ecological Risk of Antibiotics of the Shaying River Basin
HUANG Zi-yan, DING Ting-ting, DU Shi-linet al;1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Water Pollution Control and Wastewater Resource of Anhui Province, College of Environment and Energy Engineering, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei,Anhui 230601, China;2.et ai
In order to study the pollution characteristics and spatial distribution of five antibiotics, sulfapyridine (SPD), sulfachloropyridazine (SCP), sulfadiazine (SDZ), ciprofloxacin (CIP) and tetracycline (TCL), in the surface water of Shaying River Basin, water samples from 30 sites were collected in July 2018 (wet season), November 2018 (dry season) and March 2019 (flat season),and their ecological risks were evaluated. The results showed that the five antibiotics in the Shaying River Basin were detected during the wet season, dry season and flat season. The detection rates of CIP during the wet season, SPD and SDZ during the dry season, and SCP during the dry season are more than 50%. The detection rate of SCP reached 70.97% during the flat season. The concentration of CIP was the highest during the wet season (655 ng/L), and the cumulative concentration of the five antibiotics were as followings: wet season>flat season>dry season. Compared with the water environment in other regions domestic, the concentration of antibiotics in the Shaying River Basin is generally at a general level, but the CIP is at a high concentration level during the wet season. Correlation analysis showed that antibiotic concentration was significantly correlated with hardness, NH3-N and conductivity. The ecological risks of the five antibiotics are as follows: wet season> dry season> flat season and both the CIP and TCL showed high risk levels. Therefore, the monitoring, evaluation and early warning management of CIP and TCL should be strengthened to effectively control their ecological risks in Shaying river basin.
Key words:  Shaying river basin  Antibiotics  Spatial distribution  Correlation  Ecological risk assessment