LUO Ying, LIU Na, JIN Xiao-wei, XU Jian.The Aquatic Toxicity and Ecological Risk Assessment of Ketamine[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2020,12(5):136-142
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1.中国环境科学研究院环境健康风险评估与研究中心,国家环境保护化学品生态效应与风险评估重点实验室,北京 100012;2.环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室,北京 100012;3.等
通过检索在国内外期刊发表的文献中关于我国河流、湖泊中氯胺酮(KET)的数据,评估其在地表水中的暴露水平,利用风险商(RQ)初步分析KET在我国部分地表水环境中的生态风险。结果表明,我国地表水中KET的检出率为20%~100%,最高检出值为420 ng/L,基于发育、繁殖和行为等慢性毒性数据推导出的预测无效应浓度(PNEC)为1.36×10-6mg/L;基于慢性毒性计算的风险商值为0.03~36.76,表明我国地表水中KET存在风险,其中台湾淡水河、金梅河和广东珠江具有高风险,而北方大部分河流潜在风险较低。
关键词:  氯胺酮  毒性效应  生态风险评估
The Aquatic Toxicity and Ecological Risk Assessment of Ketamine
LUO Ying, LIU Na, JIN Xiao-wei, XU Jian
1. Center for Environmental Health Risk Assessment and Research,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, et ai
In this study, to assess the overall status of KET research in aquatic environments of China, data on exposure to KET, expressed as concentrations in surface waters including rivers and lakes were collected from literature published in China and abroad. Risk quotient (RQ) was calculated to assess ecological risk in Chinese surface waters. Results showed that, the detection frequency of KET in surface water ranged from 20%~100%, and the greatest concentration was 420 ng/L. Predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) derived on the basis of chronic toxicity data, including endpoints of reproduction and development was 1.36×10-6 mg/L. RQ based on chronic toxicity data were ranged from 0.03~36.76, which suggested risk in some Chinese surface waters. The ecological risks of KET in Tamsui River and Jinmei River in Taiwan, and Pearl River in Guangdong were higher, while rivers in north China were lower.
Key words:  Ketamine  Toxic effect  Ecological risk assessment