引用本文:王延军,刘京, 王亮,姚志鹏,杨凯.地表水自动与常规监测评价结果一致性对比分析[J].环境监控与预警,2021,13(1):36-41
WANG Yan-jun, LIU Jing, WANG Liang, YAO Zhi-peng, YANG Kai.Comparative Analysis of the Consistency in Evaluation Results of Surface Water Between Automatic Monitoring and Manual Monitoring[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(1):36-41
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王延军,刘京, 王亮,姚志鹏,杨凯1,2,3
1.江苏省常州环境监测中心,江苏 常州 213000;2.中国环境监测总站,北京 100012;3.河南省济源生态环境监测中心,河南 济源 459000
关键词:  自动监测  手工监测  比对实验  水质评价
Comparative Analysis of the Consistency in Evaluation Results of Surface Water Between Automatic Monitoring and Manual Monitoring
WANG Yan-jun, LIU Jing, WANG Liang, YAO Zhi-peng, YANG Kai1,2,3
1.Jiangsu Changzhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213000, China;2. China National Environmental Monitoring Station, Beijing 100012, China;3. Henan Jiyuan Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, Jiyuan, Henan 459000, China
15 conventional monitoring sections, which were located in the same location with automatic monitoring stations, distributed in different river basins, were selected to compare the data obtained by both manual monitoring and automatic monitoring. The results showed that the monthly mean values of automatic monitoring were not comparable to the data of manual monitoring due to the deviation of sampling time and sampling location. In terms of water quality evaluation, at least 4 methods were available: evaluated by 5 parameters obtained from automatic monitoring, evaluated by 5 parameters obtained from manual monitoring, evaluated by 21 parameters obtained from manual monitoring, and evaluated by the integrated 5 automatic parameters and 16 manual parameters. Compared with method one and method two, the sum of same class and one class varied accounted for about 85%, compared with method one and method three, it accounted for about 80%, and compared with method three and method four, it accounted for about 90%.Therefore,this is a more reasonable method of surface water quality evaluation.
Key words:  Automatic monitoring  Manual monitoring  Comparative test  Water quality evaluation