SHI Yan,SU Tao,LU Li-rong.Remote Sensing Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Changes in Enclosure Culture of Changdang Lake[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(3):8-12
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1.安徽理工大学,安徽 淮南 232001;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,江苏 南京 210008
根据长荡湖地区1983—2020年共38景遥感影像中围网养殖区的光谱信息与纹理信息,借助 ENVI和ArcGIS软件,通过人机交互目视解译的方法,提取了长荡湖的围网养殖区,分析其38 a的连续时空变化。结果表明,长荡湖围网养殖经历了无围网期(1983—1986年)、增长期(1987—1999年)、巅峰期(2000—2004年)、下降期(2005—2011年)、增长期(2012—2013年)、下降期(2014—2017年)、稳定期(2018—2020年)7个阶段,围网面积最高达到64.84km2。1983—1999年,长荡湖围网养殖区逐渐从湖边向湖中心扩展,面积增加了64.84km2,占整个湖泊面积的76.3%;2000—2004年,除湖中心外,围网遍布全湖,平均面积约为62 km2;2005—2011年,围网养殖区逐渐缩小,面积共减少32.33km2,减幅为38.0%;2012—2013年,围网养殖区面积增加12.65km2,增幅为14.8%;2014—2017年,围网养殖区进一步缩小,面积减少33.3km2,减幅为39.2%;2018—2020年,围网养殖区面积稳定在8.5 km2左右,主要分布在湖泊南部。
关键词:  长荡湖  遥感  围网养殖  时空变化
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Changes in Enclosure Culture of Changdang Lake
SHI Yan,SU Tao,LU Li-rong1,2
1. Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, Anhui 232001,China;2. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008,China
38 remote sensing images from 1983 to 2020 in Changdang Lake were collected. According to the spectral information of remote sensing images and the texture information of enclosure culture, the enclosure culture area was extracted by human-computer interactive visual interpretation and ENVI / ArcGIS software, and its temporal and spatial changes in 38 years were analyzed . The results showed that the enclosure culture experienced seven stages: no purse seine period(1983—1986), growth period(1987—1999), peak period(2000—2004), decline period(2005—2011), growth period(2012—2013), decline period (2014—2017)and stable period(2018—2020). 1983—1999, the enclosure culture area increased by 64.84 km2, account for 76.3% of the whole lake, the enclosure culture has gradually expanded from the lakeside to the lake center.1999—2004, the mean enclosure culture area was about 62km2, the enclosure culture was spread all over the lake except the lake center. 2005—2011, the enclosure area decreased by 32.33 km2, a decrease of 38.0%. 2011—2013, enclosure culture area increased by 12.65km2, an increase of 14.8%. 2014—2017, the enclosure culture area decreased by 33.3 km2, a decrease of 39.2%. 2018—2020, the enclosure culture is stable at about 8.5km2, mainly distributed in the south of the lake.
Key words:  Changdang Lake  Remote sensing  Enclosure culture  Spatial-temporal variation