JI Zhu-mei, MA Jing-jing, FANG Li, ZHOU Jun,ZHOU Bin, WANG Gang.Investigation and Analysis of Water Environment Quality Traceability in Wangang River Basin[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(6):57-62
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1.江苏省盐城环境监测中心,江苏 盐城 224001;2.盐城市大丰区生态环境局,江苏 盐城 224100;3.3.盐城市大丰区环境监测站,江苏 盐城 224100
关键词:  王港河流域  遥感解译  加密监测  现场调查  污染来源
Investigation and Analysis of Water Environment Quality Traceability in Wangang River Basin
JI Zhu-mei, MA Jing-jing, FANG Li, ZHOU Jun,ZHOU Bin, WANG Gang1,2,3
1.Jiangsu Yancheng Environmental Monitoring Center, Yancheng,Jiangsu 224001, China;2. Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Dafeng District, Yancheng,Jiangsu 224100, China;3. Dafeng Environmental Monitoring Station of Yancheng, Yancheng,Jiangsu 224100, China
Taking Wanggang River Basin as the research object, according to the historical monitoring data of water quality, the interpretation results of high resolution remote sensing images and the densified monitoring data and on site verification of the indicators of permanganate index, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus during the period of 2016—2020 and January 29—31, 2021, the water environment quality range of Wanggang River Basin was investigated and analyzed.The results showed that the water quality of the Wanggang River Basin has improved from 2016 to 2020; remote sensing interpretation has a total of 289 industrial enterprise plots, 102 aquaculture plots, 169 livestock and poultry farming plots, and 92 suspected polluted plots; the water quality in the upper reaches of Wanggang River Basin was obviously better than that in the lower reaches, and the tributaries along the lower reaches were worse. The high proportion of pollution from livestock and poultry breeding was the main reason affecting the water quality.In addition, the low processing efficiency of domestic sewage and industrial sewage from the villages and towns along the river, the industrial pollution sources of industrial park, farm fields water and acquculture effluent are also the main reasons that influence the water quality.
Key words:  Wanggang River Basin  Remote sensing interpretation  Densified monitoring  Field investigation  Pollution source