CHEN Ding-yu, QI Chao, GUO Bing-yue, LIANG Sheng-yue, JIN Zhi-peng,et al.Study on the Relationship between the Content of Cadmium in Wheat and Soil in an Agricultural Park in Central Jiangsu[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(5):109-115
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1. 江苏省公共资源交易中心,江苏 南京 210000;2. 江苏省地质勘查技术院,江苏 南京 210049;3. 昆明理工大学国土资源与工程学院,云南 昆明 650093;4. 南通大学地理科学学院,江苏 南通 226019
为研究江苏中部农业园土壤和小麦镉元素含量[ω(Cdsoil)和ω(Cdwheat)]关系,采集了土壤和小麦样品40组,采用多元线性回归分析方法建立ω(Cdwheat)的预测模型。结果表明:(1)研究区表层土壤呈中性偏弱酸性,ω(Cdsoil)含量范围为0.083~0.239 mg/kg,平均值为0.152 mg/kg,均低于《土壤环境质量 农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》(GB 15618—2018)中农用地土壤污染风险筛选值,属于优先保护类土壤;(2)依据《食品安全国家标准 食品中污染物限量》(GB 2762—2017)中ω(Cdwheat)限定值(0.1 mg/kg),小麦籽实Cd超标率为10%;(3)ω(Cdwheat)主要受表层ω(Cdsoil)控制,同时受到土壤钼(Mo)、铅(Pb)、砷(As)、钙(Ca)和镉(Cd)等元素有效态影响,另外,还受土壤理化性质(pH值和有机质)的影响。
关键词:  土壤    小麦  多元线性回归  预测模型  江苏
Study on the Relationship between the Content of Cadmium in Wheat and Soil in an Agricultural Park in Central Jiangsu
CHEN Ding-yu, QI Chao, GUO Bing-yue, LIANG Sheng-yue, JIN Zhi-peng,et al1,2,3,4
1. Public Resource Trading Center of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210000, China;2. Geological Exploration Technology Institute of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210049, China;3. Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Land Resource Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming,Yunnan 650093, China;4. School of Geographical Science, Nantong University, Nantong,Jiangsu 226019, China
To study the relationship between the content of cadmium in wheat and soil in an agricultural park in central Jiangsu, multiple linear regression analysis was used to establish the fitting model for Cd content in wheat grain based on a total of 40 soil and wheat samples. The results showed that soil in the study area was neutral to slightly acidic. The total Cd content in soil ranged from 0.083 to 0.239 mg/kg, with an average of 0.152 mg/kg, and was lower than the soil risk control value in the national standard Soil Environment Quality Risk Control Standard for Soil Contamination of Agricultural Land (GB 15618—2018), resulting in a low soil pollution risk.According to the limit value of heavy metal Cd in wheat(0.1 mg/kg) from the standard Food Safety National Standards for Contaminants in Foods (GB 2762—2017), the over standard rate of Cd in wheat grain was 10%. The content of Cd in wheat grain is mainly controlled by the Cd content of the surface soil, and is also affected by the content of available soil elements such as Mo, Pb, As, Ca and Cd. In addition, it is also affected by the physical and chemical properties of the soil, such as pH and soil organic matter.
Key words:  Soil  Cadmium  Wheat  Multiple linear regression  Prediction model  Jiangsu