GUAN Nian-yun, XIE Peng-cheng, HUANG Liang, ZHU Le-jie.Ion Selective Electrode Method for Determination of Fluoride in Mining and Metallurgy Waste Water with Steam Distillation[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(1):45-48
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1.韶关生态环境监测中心站,广东 韶关 512026;2.韶关学院,化学与土木工程学院,广东 韶关 512026
建立了采用水蒸气蒸馏进行预处理,用离子选择电极法测定矿冶废水中的氟化物的方法。实验表明,以硫酸为蒸馏试剂,最佳蒸馏条件为,硫酸用量50 mL,蒸馏温度140~150 ℃,蒸馏时间30 min,方法检出限0.05 mg/L。将该方法用于实际样品分析,测定结果的相对标准偏差为2.0%,加标回收率为93.1%。该方法能够有效消除重金属的干扰,方法简单,便于操作,具有良好的精密度与准确度。
关键词:  水蒸气蒸馏  离子选择电极法  矿冶废水  氟化物
Ion Selective Electrode Method for Determination of Fluoride in Mining and Metallurgy Waste Water with Steam Distillation
GUAN Nian-yun, XIE Peng-cheng, HUANG Liang, ZHU Le-jie1,2
1.Shaoguan Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Center, Shaoguan, Guangdong 512026, China;2.2. School of Chemistry & Civil Engieneering, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan, Guangdong 512026, China
A method for determination of fluoride in mining and metallurgy waste water was established by using ion selective electrode method followed by steam distillation. The experiments indicated that the best distillation temperature were in the range of 140 ℃ to 150℃ in 30 minutes when sulfuric acid was used as distillation reagent with a dose of 50ml. The method detection limit was 0.05 mg/L. The results of real sample analysis showed the relative standard deviation was 2.0%, and the recovery was 93.1%. The method could effectively eliminate the interference of heavy metals, and is simple and easy to operate, precision and accuracy are both good as well.
Key words:  Steam distillation  Ion selective electrode method  Mining and metallurgy waste water  Fluoride