CAI Kun, YANG Ya-nan, LI Xu-wen, JIANG Shenet,al.Preliminary Study on Application of Environmental DNA Technology on Fish Community Monitoring in Jiangsu Province[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(2):43-48
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1. 江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210019;2. 江苏省环境科学研究院,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  环境DNA  鱼类  生物多样性  物种组成  监测  江苏省
Preliminary Study on Application of Environmental DNA Technology on Fish Community Monitoring in Jiangsu Province
CAI Kun, YANG Ya-nan, LI Xu-wen, JIANG Shenet,al1,2
1. Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Montoring Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019, China;2. Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210036, China
Fish is considered to be the important component of biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems. To explore the characteristics of fish communities in Jiangsu Province, a survey of fish communities in 148 surface water environmental monitoring sections was conducted during April to May 2020 using environmental DNA metabarcoding technology. A total of 418 fish OTU were detected in the environmental DNA samples, and 46 species were annotated into 10 orders, 14 families and 32 genera, and 27 species of which are Cypriniformes, accounting for 81.2% of the sequences. The results showed that the fish diversity of the Huai River basin is relatively better, followed by the Yangtze River basin and the Taihu Lake basin. The result has provided basic information on the structural characteristics of fish communities in surface water monitoring sections in Jiangsu Province, and gave a reference to the application and promotion of environmental DNA technology in the field of environmental monitoring.
Key words:  Environmental DNA  Fish  Biodiversity  Species composition  Monitoring  Jiangsu Province