WANG Wan-ping, ZHU Xiao-xiang,WEI Zheng,HUANG Xin.Design and Application of Real time Monitoring System for High Security Risk Mobile Radioactive Sources in Jiangsu Province[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(2):39-42
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江苏省核与辐射安全监督管理中心,江苏 南京 210019
关键词:  移动放射源  监控  平台  终端  预警  江苏省
Design and Application of Real time Monitoring System for High Security Risk Mobile Radioactive Sources in Jiangsu Province
WANG Wan-ping, ZHU Xiao-xiang,WEI Zheng,HUANG Xin
Jiangsu Nuclear and Radiation Safety Supervision and Management Center,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019,China
In order to meet the national requirements for the supervision of high risk mobile sources, the monitoring terminal hardware has been developed with GPS positioning, RFID and radiation dose monitoring, and the software platform of high risk mobile source real time monitoring system has been developed as well. The function and application of the system platform software and monitoring terminal were analyzed. Follow up improvement suggestions were made on the structural design of monitoring terminal, short endurance time, poor durability, weak field signal and other problems. The monitoring system can effectively realize the dynamic monitoring of high risk mobile sources and further improve the technical level of supervision of high risk mobile sources in Jiangsu Province.
Key words:  Mobile radioactive source  Monitoring  Platform  Terminal  Early warning  Jiangsu Province