引用本文:苏文鹏, 毛慧, 乐小亮, 张宗祥, 徐亮.泰州市夏季大气典型VOCs污染特征及健康风险评估[J].环境监控与预警,2022,14(4):78-83
SU Wen-peng, MAO Hui, YUE Xiao-liang, ZHANG Zong-xiang, XU Liang.Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of VOCs in Summer in Taizhou[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(4):78-83
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苏文鹏, 毛慧, 乐小亮, 张宗祥, 徐亮1,2
1.江苏省泰州环境监测中心,江苏 泰州 225300;2.江苏省环境保护土壤有机物监测重点实验室,江苏 泰州 225300
于2019年8—9月,采用大气预浓缩气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC MS)对泰州市3个监测点位环境空气中57种挥发性有机物(VOCs)进行分析,并开展了VOCs组成特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)、VOCs来源及健康风险评价研究。结果表明:3个点位环境空气中φ(VOCs)范围为1.3×10-9~46.9×10-9,平均值为8.5 ×10-9。烷烃在VOCs中所占比例最大。各点位φ(VOCs)平均值依次为:工业园区>公园路>天德湖公园。公园路点位VOCs中苯系物受汽车尾气排放影响较大,天德湖公园和工业园区点位除了受汽车尾气排放影响,还受到有机溶剂和涂料的挥发影响,主要受本地污染主导。OFP中贡献最大的物质为乙烯,OFP值为5.5μmg/m3,其次为烷烃。健康风险评价结果显示,各点位VOCs非致癌类风险均较低,处于安全范围内。各点位夏季环境空气中苯对人体均具有一定致癌风险。
关键词:  挥发性有机物  污染特征  臭氧生成潜势  健康风险评价
Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of VOCs in Summer in Taizhou
SU Wen-peng, MAO Hui, YUE Xiao-liang, ZHANG Zong-xiang, XU Liang1,2
1.Jiangsu Taizhou Environmental Monitoring Center, Taizhou ,Jiangsu 225300,China;2. Jiangsu Province Ecology and Environment Protection Key Laboratory of Soil Organics Monitoring, Taizhou,Jiangsu 225300,China
To explore the characteristics, ozone formation potential (OFP), sources and health risks of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in summer in Taizhou, 57 kinds of VOCs species at three sites were analyzed by cryogenic traping GC/MS from August to September 2019. The results showed that the concentration of VOCs ranged from 1.3×10-9~46.9×10-9, with an average of 8.5×10-9. The VOCs were mainly composed of alkanes. The average φ(VOCs) arranged in a sequence of industrial zone>gongyuan road>tiandehu park. BTEX in gongyuan road site were greatly influenced by motor vehicles, while except that, the traffic emission and solvent usage were also the main sources of BTEX at the other two sites. The concentrations of VOCs at industrial zone and gongyuan road were mainly affected by local pollution sources. Among OFP substances, ethylene contributed the most with the OFP value 5.5μmg/m3followed by alkanes. Health risk assessment showed that the non carcinogenic risks of VOCs at the three sites were within acceptable limits. Benzene was associated with a certain risk of cancer in summer.
Key words:  VOCs  Pollution characteristics  Ozone formation potential  Health risk assessment