WANG Chun, LIU Jun, XIE Xin-miao, BAI Song, XING Xue-ke.Research on the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and Causes of Low Oxygen in the Surface Water of Nanjing:A Case Study of Qiqiaoweng in Waiqinhuai River[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(3):63-69
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江苏省南京环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210013
于2018—2021年对南京市及国考断面七桥瓮进行水质调查,分析其溶解氧变化特征,采用水质水量联合评价及皮尔逊相关分析法,并结合水文气象等相关信息,对南京市地表水溶解氧分布特征及国考七桥瓮断面低氧成因进行研究分析。结果表明,南京市地表水溶解氧浓度夏季最低,中心主城区及附近区域溶解氧浓度均相对较低。七桥瓮断面溶解氧浓度在2.25~11.07 mg/L,其中5—9月溶解氧易出现超标波动。溶解氧浓度昼间高于夜间,与pH值呈正相关关系,与水温、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷均呈负相关关系。水温和上游来水带入的耗氧污染物是七桥瓮断面溶解氧偏低的主要成因,其中,溶解氧浓度与水温相关性最为显著。研究结论可为七桥瓮断面稳定达标提供基础支撑,为秦淮河流域精准治污提供技术依据,为南京市水环境多源同治提供治理思路。
关键词:  溶解氧  时空分布  影响因素  低氧
Research on the Distribution of Dissolved Oxygen and Causes of Low Oxygen in the Surface Water of Nanjing:A Case Study of Qiqiaoweng in Waiqinhuai River
WANG Chun, LIU Jun, XIE Xin-miao, BAI Song, XING Xue-ke
Nanjing Environmental Monitoring Center of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210013, China
A water quality survey was conducted on Nanjing and a National Surface Water Assessment Section Qiqiaoweng from 2018 to 2021, and the variation characteristics of dissolved oxygen (DO) were analyzed. By using the combined assessment of water quality and quantity as well as the Pearson correlation analysis and relevant hydrologic and meteorologic information, the causes of low DO in Qiqiaoweng section were analyzed in detail. The findings showed that the lowest DO in the surface water of Nanjing was observed in the summer, with a low concentration of DO in central downtown and its neighboring areas. The content of DO in Qiqiaoweng section ranged from 2.25 to 11.07 mg/L, with an exceeding fluctuation in the period from May to September. As the concentration of DO in the day was higher than that at night.Dissolved oxygen was positively correlated with pH, and negatively correlated with water temperature, permanganate index, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus. Water temperature and oxygen consuming pollutants brought by upstream water were the main causes for low DO in Qiqiaoweng. It is worth noting that the concentration of DO is most significantly correlated to water temperature. The research conclusion can provide a solid foundation for stably reaching the standard in Qiqiaoweng section, a technical basis for precise pollution control in Qinhuai River Basin, and a possible solution to the governance of simultaneous disposal of multi source water environment in Nanjing.
Key words:  Dissolved oxygen  Spatial and temporal distribution  Influencing factors  Low oxygen