ZENG Yu,YI Min,CHEN Bei-bei,LONG Rui,WEN Xin-yu.Thinking on the Construction of Remote Sensing Monitoring Platform for Hunan Provincial Ecological Environmental Monitoring[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(3):88-94
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湖南省生态环境监测中心,湖南 长沙 410001
关键词:  生态环境  “天空地”一体化  遥感监测平台
Thinking on the Construction of Remote Sensing Monitoring Platform for Hunan Provincial Ecological Environmental Monitoring
ZENG Yu,YI Min,CHEN Bei-bei,LONG Rui,WEN Xin-yu
Hunan Ecological & Environmental Monitoring Center, Changsha, Hunan 410001, China
This paper described the development status of remote sensing monitoring platform at home and abroad, and it analyzed the current status of remote sensing monitoring in Hunan province as well. Based on the problems such as technology, monitoring capacity construction and so on, we pointed out that the data platform is mainly responsible for the management, storage and analysis of satellite remote sensing data, ground survey/monitoring data, and UAV aerial survey data. The business platform mainly carries out corresponding monitoring and management around the entire ecological environment monitoring system such as water, gas, and soil, and can also be expanded for key areas, environmental supervision and other businesses. The display platform mainly visualizes various businesses through various terminal devices and hardware;and put forward suggestions for launching independent high resolution remote sensing satellites, deepening remote sensing monitoring application research, multi department cooperation and so on, in order to provide important reference for the future construction and development of ecological environment remote sensing monitoring platform in Hunan province.
Key words:  Ecological environment  “Space, sky and earth” integration  Remote sensing monitoring platform