HE Xi-wei, GAO Jie, ZHANG Xu-xiang, REN Hong-qiang.Changes of Dissolved Organic Matter and Toxicity of Coking Wastewater During Biochemical Treatment[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(2):15-24
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污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京大学环境学院,江苏 南京 210023
关键词:  焦化废水  溶解性有机物  三维荧光  急性毒性
Changes of Dissolved Organic Matter and Toxicity of Coking Wastewater During Biochemical Treatment
HE Xi-wei, GAO Jie, ZHANG Xu-xiang, REN Hong-qiang
State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in coking wastewater has gained extensive attention as the main source of wastewater pollutants and toxicity. Anaerobic anoxic oxic (A-A-O) biological process combined with coagulation is widely used in coking wastewater treatment. In this study, the DOM and toxicity changes of coking wastewater during A-A-O combined coagulation treatment were analyzed by spectroscopy analysis and aquatic acute toxicity test. The results showed that coking wastewater contain large amount of unsaturated aromatic substances, in which tryptophan and tyrosine like substances were dominant, followed by soluble microbial metabolites, fulvic acid like substances and humic acid like substances. The rates of acute toxicity of untreated coking wastewater to algae and Daphnia magna were moderately to highly toxic. A-A-O combined coagulation treatment could remove more than 90% of tryptophan, tyrosine and fulvic acid like substancess, but the removal rate of humic acid like substances was relatively lower (80%), with the key removal stages being the anoxic stage and the aerobic stage. Accordingly, the acute toxicity reduction rate of coking wastewater was 80.51%~94.30%, and the key reduction occured in the anaerobic stage. Pearson correlation analysis showed significantly positive correlations among total organic carbon (TOC), fluorescent component C1, fluorescent component C4 with acute toxicity of coking wastewater, indicating possible utilization of TOC, C1 and C4 for preliminary screening before conducting toxicity tests. The results of this study can provide scientific support for the optimization of biochemical treatment, toxicity control as well as risk evaluation of coking wastewater.
Key words:  Coking wastewater  Dissolved organic matter  Excitation emission matrix  Acute toxicity