LONG Zi, LI Ju-feng, LI Bin-lian, CHEN Si-yuan, RAN Zhao-kuanet al.Establishment and Application of In situ On line Monitoring Method for Oil Leakage in Groundwater Based on VOCs Concentration Inversion[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(4):53-59
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1.中国石油集团安全环保技术研究院有限公司,北京 102206;2.石油石化污染物控制与处理国家重点实验室,北京 102206
关键词:  地下水  含油物质  挥发性有机物  原位实时监测
Establishment and Application of In situ On line Monitoring Method for Oil Leakage in Groundwater Based on VOCs Concentration Inversion
LONG Zi, LI Ju-feng, LI Bin-lian, CHEN Si-yuan, RAN Zhao-kuanet al1,2
1. Research Institute of Safety and Environment Technology, China National Petroleum Corporation, Beijing 102206, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Pollution Control, Beijing 102206, China
The leakage of oily substances from petroleum and petrochemical enterprises into groundwater will have a large negative impact on the ecological environment, and the national requirements for groundwater pollution prevention and management are increasingly severe. It is of great significance to develop an efficient method for monitoring the leakage of oily pollutants into groundwater. In this paper, by constructing a groundwater well model, designing and developing on line monitoring equipment for oil bearing pollutant leakage, in situ real time monitoring of the dynamic concentration of VOCs volatilized into gas from oil bearing pollutants in groundwater wells, it realizes in situ real time monitoring of oil bearing pollutant leakage in groundwater wells. Through this research, it is determined that the conventional water quality six parameter sensor has a delayed response to the leakage of oily substances, and it is not necessary to install conventional water quality parameter sensors in real time early warning and monitoring of oily substances in groundwater wells, which saves the cost of pollution prevention and control monitoring for enterprises. The online monitoring equipment is installed on the enterprise site for practical application. By setting the early warning threshold in the monitoring platform, the system will issue an alarm when the real time monitoring value exceeds the early warning threshold, realizing real time monitoring and early warning of the concentration of oily pollutants in groundwater wells. The monitoring method proposed in this study has the advantages of fast response, high accuracy, low cost and simple monitoring process. It will help enterprises to grasp the status of groundwater pollution in real time and improve the efficiency of groundwater pollution prevention and early warning.
Key words:  Groundwater  Oil bearing pollutants  VOCs  In situ real time monitoring