XU Ming-hua, HU Guan-jiu, GAO Zhan-qi, BI Feng-zhi, WANG Hui, QIN Chao.Screening and Distribution Characteristics of Pesticides in Water and Sediments of Luoma Lake Area[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(5):143-151
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1.江苏省农药协会,江苏 南京 210024;2.江苏省环境监测中心,国家环境保护地表水环境有机污染物监测分析重点实验室,江苏 南京 210019;3.江苏省太湖水质监测中心站,江苏 南京 210019
采用气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)非靶向筛查技术,分别于2019年11月5—7日(枯水期)、2020年4月24—26日(平水期)和2020年7月15—16日(丰水期)对骆马湖地区水体和沉积物中的农药残留进行了筛查并对其空间分布特征进行研究。结果表明,水中筛查出主要农药13种,除草剂占比62%,检出率>95%的农药有丁草胺、环嗪酮、异丙甲草胺、多效唑、噻氟菌胺、稻瘟灵、毒死蜱、阿特拉津、避蚊胺和莠灭净,阿特拉津检出质量浓度最高(ND~10 599 ng/L,平均值为725.5 ng/L),其次为多效唑(ND~2 089 ng/L,平均值为237.0 ng/L)和噻氟菌胺(ND~1 991 ng/L,平均值为237.2 ng/L)。与国内其他地区相比,骆马湖地区水中农药污染处于中等水平,其中阿特拉津、稻瘟灵和毒死蜱的生态风险值得重点关注。骆马湖及入湖河流水中农药总质量浓度呈现丰水期>平水期>枯水期的特点,与地表径流、农药的性质及其在水体中的释放等因素有关,丰水期入湖口和省界来水中农药对饮用水水源地的影响较大。沉积物中筛查出9种农药,总体含量不高,且仅扑灭净和避蚊胺检出率>95%,其余<20%。
关键词:  骆马湖  农药  非靶向筛查  水体  沉积物  生态风险
Screening and Distribution Characteristics of Pesticides in Water and Sediments of Luoma Lake Area
XU Ming-hua, HU Guan-jiu, GAO Zhan-qi, BI Feng-zhi, WANG Hui, QIN Chao1,2,3
1. Jiangsu Provincial Pesticides Association, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210024, China;2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Analysis for Organic Pollutants in Surface Water, Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019, China;3. Jiangsu Provincial Water Monitoring Center of Lake Taihu, Nanjing,Jiangsu 210019, China
Non target GC/MS screening method was used to analyze the pesticide residues in water and sediments of Luoma Lake area across the dry seasons(November 5-7, 2019),normal season(April 24-26, 2020)and wet season(July 15-16, 2020).Thirteen kinds of pesticides were mainly screened out, in which 62% were herbicides. Detection frequencies greater than 95% were recorded for 10 pesticides: butachlor, hexazinone, metolachlor, paclobutrazol, thifluzamide, isoprothinlane, chlorpyrifos, atrazine, diethyltoluamide and ametryne. The highest concentration was observed for atrazine (ND~10 599ng/L, ave:725.5 ng/L), followed by paclobutrazol(ND~2 089ng/L, ave:237.0 ng/L)and thifluzamide(ND~1 991ng/L, ave:237.2 ng/L). Compared with those in water and sediments from other areas home and abroad, the pesticides levels in water of Luoma Lake and its surroundings were moderate. The ecological risk of atrazine, isoprothinlane and chlorpyrifos should be paid more attention. The total concentrations (∑13 pesticides) in water showed the following characteristics: wet season>normal season>dry season, which was related with the surface runoff, the pesticides property and release from water. The pesticides in the drinking water source were more affected by the water from lake inlets and provincial boundaries. In the sediments, nine kinds of pesticides were screened out with low concentrations, only propazine and diethyltoluamide had detection frequencies greater than 95%, others were all below 20%.
Key words:  Luoma Lake  Pesticides  Non- target screening  Water  Sediment  Ecological risk