LIU Cheng-you, LIU Jin-lin, GUO Jing, ZHANG Li-fei, ZHAO Xing-ruet al.Characteristics, Rources and Risk Assessment of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Multi media of Dahuofang Reservoir[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(5):133-142
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1.国家环境分析测试中心,国家环境保护二噁英污染控制重点实验室,北京 100029;2.中国环境科学研究院,湖泊水污染治理与生态修复技术国家工程实验室,北京 100012
大伙房水库属于全国城市供水九大重点水源地之一,作为辽宁省重要的饮用水水源地,库区水质直接影响该区域人民饮水安全及身体健康。对大伙房水库表层水体、沉积物和鱼类样品中全氟化合物(PFAS)的赋存特征及可能的来源进行分析,并运用健康风险商值法评估PFAS的潜在健康风险。结果表明,库区表层水体中ρ(ΣPFAS)为1.18~8.19 ng/L,主要污染物为全氟辛酸及其盐类化合物(PFOA)和全氟戊基羧酸(PFPA),其浓度水平随时间呈下降趋势;沉积物中只检出3种污染物,分别为PFOA、全氟十一烷基羧酸(PFUnA)和全氟十二烷基羧酸(PFDoDA),ω(ΣPFAS)为0.16~0.48 ng/g;不同鱼类样品中ω(ΣPFAS)由高到低依次为:武昌鱼(2.49 ng/g)>鲤鱼(2.30 ng/g)>白鲢(2.02 ng/g)>花鲢(2.01 ng/g),主要污染物均为PFPA。基于主成分分析与相关性分析可知,大伙房水库库区的PFAS主要来自采矿、电镀、涂料等工业污染废水和生活污水;健康风险评估结果表明,表层水体和鱼类样品中的PFAS不存在健康风险。
关键词:  大伙房水库  全氟化合物  赋存特征  源解析  健康风险评估
Characteristics, Rources and Risk Assessment of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Multi media of Dahuofang Reservoir
LIU Cheng-you, LIU Jin-lin, GUO Jing, ZHANG Li-fei, ZHAO Xing-ruet al
1. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Dioxin Pollution Control, National Research Center for Environmental Analysis and Measurement, Beijing 100029, China
Dahuofang Reservoir is one of the nine key water sources for urban water supply in China. As an important drinking water source in Liaoning Province, the water quality in the reservoir directly affects the drinking water safety and health of people in the region. The characteristics and the sources of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in surface water, sediment and fish samples were analyzed. The potential health risks of PFAS were evaluated by the health risk quotient. The results showed that the total concentration of PFAS in surface water ranged from 1.81~8.19 ng/L and showed a decreasing trend over time, among which PFOA and PFPA were the main contaminants. Only three contaminants (PFOA, PFUnA and PFDoDA) were detected in the sediment, with ΣPFAS concentrations ranged from 0.16 to 0.48 ng/g. The concentrations of PFAS in the muscles of different fishes followed an order of Wuchang fish (2.49 ng/g)>carp (2.30 ng/g)>silver carp (2.02 ng/g)>bighead (2.01 ng/g), and the main pollutant was PFPA. It was inferred that PFAS in the water environment of Dahuofang reservoir area mainly came from industrial and domestic pollution sources such as mining, electroplating and painting based on the principal component analysis and correlation analysis. The health risk assessment results showed that there was no risk for the PFAS in surface water and fish samples.
Key words:  Dahuofang Reservoir  PFAS  Occurrence characteristics  Source analysis  Health risk assessment