JIANG Zhengming,GAO Yinghong,ZHAO Zhiyuan,MAI Jianhua,LI Wenshu,PENG Haihui,YANG Manya.Analysis on Sources and Sensitivity of Ozone Pollution in Zhongshan[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):112-120
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1.广东省中山生态环境监测站,广东 中山 528400;2.中科三清科技有限公司,北京 100107;3.中山市气象台,广东 中山 528400;4.壹点环境科技(广州)有限公司,广东 广州 510000
利用数值天气预报模式和嵌套网格空气质量预报系统的来源解析模块(WRF NAQPMS/OSAM)对中山市2019年9月1次臭氧(O3)污染过程进行了模拟分析,并对O3来源进行了解析。结果表明,WRF-NAQPMS/OSAM模型能较好地模拟出该时段的O3浓度。此次污染过程区域传输对中山市O3浓度贡献显著,平均贡献比例为82.9%,本地平均贡献比例为17.1%,对中山市O3贡献最大的2个来源分别是溶剂源和交通源,平均贡献占比分别为43.0%和42.7%。另外,工业源的贡献也不可忽略,平均贡献占比为11.0%。中山市O3总体上处于挥发性有机物(VOCs)控制区,结合臭氧生成潜势(OFP)分析和源解析结果,溶剂源、交通源和工业源排放的甲苯、间/对二甲苯、邻二甲苯、1,2,3-三甲苯、正丁烷和异戊烷对O3形成贡献显著,是中山市O3污染治理应注意的重要前体物。建议中山市建立以VOCs控制为主导,VOCs和氮氧化物(NOX)协同控制的长期O3防控策略。
关键词:  臭氧  臭氧生成濳势  来源解析  敏感性分析
Analysis on Sources and Sensitivity of Ozone Pollution in Zhongshan
JIANG Zhengming1, GAO Yinghong1 , ZHAO Zhiyuan2,MAI Jianhua3,LI Wenshu4,PENG Haihui1,YANG Manya1*
1.Zhongshan Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Station of Guangdong Province,Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400,China;2.3 Clear Technology Co. Ltd.,Beijing 100107,China;3.Zhongshan Meteorological Observatory,Zhongshan,Guangdong 528400,China;4.One Point Environmental Science & Technology Co. Ltd., Guangzhou,Guangdong 510000,China
A Weather Research and Forecasting model, and Ozone Source Apportionment Model of Nested Air Quality Prediction Model System(WRF-NAQPMS/OSAM) was used to simulate an ozone pollution in Zhongshan during September 2019, and the source of ozone is analyzed. The simulations showed reasonable agreement with the observations. The regional transport contributed significantly to the ozone concentration in Zhongshan, the average contribution ratio was 82.9%,the average local contribution ratio was 17.1%, solvent usage and vehicle emissions contributed the most to ozone in Zhongshan, with an average contribution rate of 43.0% and 42.7% respectively. The contribution of industrial sources cannot be ignored, with an average contribution of 11.0%. It indicated that ozone formation in Zhongshan was dominated by VOCs.Solvent usage, vehicle emissions and industrial emissions of toluene, m/p-xylene, o-xylene,1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, n-butane and isopentane played a leading role in the O3 formation in Zhongshan which were important precursors for ozone pollution control. It is suggested that a long term ozone prevention and control strategy be established, which is dominated by VOCs control as well as VOCs and NOX coordinated control.
Key words:  Ozone  Ozone formation potentials  Source apportionment  Sensitivity analysis of ozone