GU Xiaoming, LU Jialiu,CHEN Zhengying,ZHANG Yonglai.Research on Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Portable Water Quality Detector[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(2):73-79
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江苏省苏州环境监测中心,江苏 苏州 215000
关键词:  便携式水质检测仪  水质监测  快速测定  综合评价
Research on Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Portable Water Quality Detector
GU Xiaoming, LU Jialiu,CHEN Zhengying,ZHANG Yonglai
Jiangsu Suzhou Environmental monitoring Center, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215000, China
At present, there is no unified evaluation standard for various technical indicators and performance of portable detectors, which leads to the intermingled performance of the instruments, the quality of monitoring data is difficult to be guaranteed, and the requirements of the management department are not met, and it is also difficult for the testing agency to choose during the procurement process. To solve this problem, this study established a comprehensive evaluation model of portable detector, determined the comprehensive evaluation indicators, formulated the comprehensive evaluation criteria, and selected relevant instruments and related items for comprehensive evaluation. The results show that the evaluation method comprehensively considers various factors affecting the portable detector and can be well applied to the evaluation and selection of portable detector. From the evaluation results, it is found that most portable water quality detection instruments do well in portability and ease of operation, however, the accuracy and precision need to be improved. The current evaluation method takes various factors that impact the performance of portable detectors into consideration, which provides reference to evaluation and selection of portable water quality detector.
Key words:  Portable water quality detector  Water quality monitoring  Rapid determination  Comprehensive evaluation