SHAO Nan, WEI Gaolei, WANG Xuetao, GE Wei.The Community Characteristics and Water Ecology Evaluation of Periphytic Algae in Seagoing Rivers of Yancheng[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(2):100-105
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江苏省盐城环境监测中心,江苏 盐城 224002
为研究盐城入海河流水生态质量状况,于2022年5月和9月对盐城主要入海河流着生藻类群落结构进行调查,并基于河流水生态环境质量综合评价指数对10条入海河流进行水生态评价。结果表明,全年水质优Ⅲ类以上断面比例为70%,高锰酸盐指数和溶解氧是影响断面水质的主要影响因子;着生藻类香农-维纳(Shannon Wienner)多样性指数(H′)为2.77~4.4,平均值为3.97,评价级别总体为优秀。调查发现,着生藻类包括硅藻、绿藻、蓝藻、裸藻、甲藻、隐藻和黄藻共7门129种,其中5月发现着生藻88种(属),9月发现着生藻95种(属),硅藻门为全年优势种。河流水生态环境质量综合评价指数(WEQI)评价结果为良好,良好级别占比80%,制约盐城主要入海河流生态质量综合指数的因素为水质和生境。
关键词:  盐城  入海河流  着生藻类  群落结构  水生态环境质量
The Community Characteristics and Water Ecology Evaluation of Periphytic Algae in Seagoing Rivers of Yancheng
SHAO Nan, WEI Gaolei, WANG Xuetao, GE Wei
Yancheng Environmental Monitoring Center of Jiangsu Province, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224002, China
To study the water eco environment quality of seagoing rivers in Yancheng, a survey on periphytic algae community structure in main seagoing rivers of Yancheng was conducted in May and September 2022, and the water ecology of 10 seagoing rivers were evaluated based on rivers water eco-environment quality comprehensive evaluation index. The results showed that the proportion of sections with good-quality surface water reaching Grade III and above was 70% throughout the year, and the permanganate index and dissolved oxygen were the main influencing factors on the water quality of the section. Shannon-Wiener index(H′)was between 2.77~4.4, with a mean value at 3.97. The overall evaluation level was excellent. The survey found that there were 7 phylum of periphytic algae, including diatoms, green algae, cyanobacteria, euglenophyta, dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, and xanthophyta, a total of 129 species; 88 species(genera) were found in May, and 95 species(genera) were found in September. Diatom dominated the community all over the year. 80% of the total sections were good or above according to eco environment quality comprehensive evaluation index, water quality and habitat were the main factor constraining the water eco environment quality comprehensive evaluation index of seagoing rivers.
Key words:  Yancheng  Seagoing rivers  Periphytic algae  Community structure  Water eco environment quality