SUN Peng, ZHONG Sheng, XU Zheng, QIN Yanhong.Characteristic of Atmospheric Ammonia Pollution and Its Impact on Secondary Inorganic Components of PM2.5[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(2):1-6
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江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210019
为研究大气中氨气的污染特征及其对细颗粒物(PM2.5)二次无机组分的影响,于2021—2022年在江苏省南京、无锡、镇江、常州、徐州5个城市同期开展氨气及气溶胶组分的在线监测,并采用热动力学稳态模型(ISORROPIA)评估氨气的减排成效。结果表明,5个城市氨气年均质量浓度为10.1 μg/m3,5个城市年均质量浓度为7.7~15.2 μg/m3,其中徐州最高,南京最低。总氨于夏季(6月)达到浓度峰值,受温度及硝酸铵的热不稳定性影响,氨气在12:00左右出现浓度峰,而铵盐则呈现出昼低、夜高的日变化特征。5个城市均处于富氨水平,全年气溶胶呈中性,氨气中和额外酸性气体的潜力较为突出。冬季江苏省各市只有通过大幅度的氨减排(>60%)才能使PM2.5浓度显著下降,而对二氧化硫(SO2)、氮氧化物(NOX)进行减排才能更加高效地减轻PM2.5污染。
关键词:  氨气  二次气溶胶  硫酸铵  硝酸铵  细颗粒物  氨减排
Characteristic of Atmospheric Ammonia Pollution and Its Impact on Secondary Inorganic Components of PM2.5
SUN Peng, ZHONG Sheng, XU Zheng, QIN Yanhong
Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019, China
To investigate the characteristic of atmospheric ammonia pollution and its influence on the secondary inorganic components of PM2.5, online measurements of atmospheric ammonia and aerosol components have been conducted in Nanjing, Wuxi, Zhenjiang, Changzhou and Xuzhou of Jiangsu Province, simultaneously from 2021 to 2022, the effect of ammonia emission reduction of Jiangsu province have been evaluated by ISORROPIA model. As a result, the average annual ammonia concentration in five cities was 10.1μg/m3, and the concentration in different cities ranged from 7.7 μg/m3(Nanjing) to 15.2 μg/m3(Xuzhou). The peak concentration of total ammonia was observed in June in summer. Influenced by temperature and thermal equilibrium of ammonium nitrate, the mass concentration of ammonia peaked at noon, while the ammonium increased at night and decreased during daytime. The five cities are at the ammonia rich level and the aerosol is neutral throughout the year. The potential of ammonia to neutralize extra acidic gas is strong. All the cities in Jiangsu Province can achieve significant reductions of PM2.5 mass concentrations only through prominent reductions of ammonia emission(more than 60%), while the reductions of SO2 and NOX can mitigate PM2.5 pollution more efficiently.
Key words:  Ammonia  Secondary aerosols  Ammonium sulfate  Ammonium nitrate  PM2.5  Reductions of ammonia