LUO Dewei, HU Qinqin, XU Wen, YANG Ying.Analysis of Water Quality Changes and Characteristics in Xiangyang Urban Section of the Han River[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(2):87-93
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湖北省生态环境厅襄阳生态环境监测中心,湖北 襄阳 441000
关键词:  汉江襄阳段  水质  变化规律  氮磷  相关性
基金项目:湖北省环保科研基金资助项目(2021HB-ZC02) 
Analysis of Water Quality Changes and Characteristics in Xiangyang Urban Section of the Han River
LUO Dewei, HU Qinqin, XU Wen, YANG Ying
Xiangyang Ecological Environmental Monitoring Center, Department of Ecology and Environment of Hubei Province, Xiangyang, Hubei 441000, China
In order to comprehensively grasp the changes of water quality along the Han River after it enters and leaves Xiangyang urban area, and reasonably formulate corresponding protection measures, a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the water environment quality, change trend and related characteristics of Xiangyang section of Han River is carried out based on the water quality monitoring data of the exit section, entry section and tributaries of Xiangyang urban section of Han River from 2018 to 2022. The results showed that the water quality of exit and entry sections of Xiangyang urban section of the Han River from 2018 to 2022 was generally good, but the main indices of ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus and total nitrogen in exit sections were significantly higher than those in entry sections, and the inflow of major tributaries Tangbai River, Qing River and Nanqu River had a greater impact on the water quality of exit sections. From 2018 to 2021, the concentrations of the main monitoring indicators during the water period were greater than those in the dry period, while that were quite the reverse in 2022. The contribution of nitrogen pollution to water quality in Xiangyang urban section of Han River was obviously higher than that of phosphorus pollution, which was still mainly nitrogen pollution, and nitrogen in water quality mainly exists in forms other than free ammonia and ammonium salt. The correlation analysis results showed that the correlation between ammonia nitrogen and the other indicators in entry sections was inconsistent with that in exit sections, the same inconsistence was observed between total nitrogen and the other indicators. While the correlation between total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen and other parameters were basically consistent. The results can provide scientific basis for the improvement of water environment and pollution control measures of Han River.
Key words:  Xiangyang section of the Han River  Water quality  Variation rule  Nitrogen and phosphorus  Correlation